... EDMs ... I can't help myself. They are gonna have to take the keys to the Wire EDMs away from me 🤷
659 likesmachinist_86 Love the chamfer on the inside lug edge!!! 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @machinist_86 ... 😎 1 like
chefhef That's some good machining Mr. Larue 1 like
gunsmithlee To cool! 1 like
squier_jerry That's cool 1 like
targetsuite I've lived the nightmare as well. There should be a 12-step program 1 like
anthonyb2048 Yoooo 1 like
mikinuk_nolan85 👍🏽👍🏽 1 like
ryanchilders259 That's why I love your triggers 1 like
ewdeters That's a pretty slick way of doing a cutaway. 1 like
frisco_rps13 EDMs are such cool machines. When I was a machinist, I'd pretty regularly find myself leaving the lathe area between setups and gravitating to the WEDM area 1 like
kodiak_precision So cool to see how looks on the inside!!
j4ranner Beautiful
brian_landgraf Gorgeous
rangeofficerchris Your obsession with detail needs to be an industry standard
  -  laruetactical @rangeofficerchris ... It's kept us pretty small ... you can only "Overkill" so much in a day 🤷 3 likes
  -  rangeofficerchris @laruetactical it's also kept your quality very high. The repeatability of your mounts is unreal.
jn_kelso Nothing more satisfying than EDMing a part
stevebartlett2 That is awesome. I would be cutting stuff all the time
chubbsrtc Wait, barrel extensions are threaded on? Lmao took me 15 years to learn that.
  -  laruetactical @chubbsrtc ... 💯 1 like
rossco545 Just ad a cut away section to your store menu, I would love to buy "half" a rifle.
acp_trainer 🤔 I sometimes wonder. Can an AR builder ever apply enough force/torque to undo the link (threads) between the barrel extension and the barrel?
  -  rooobviously @acp_trainer they have to break the index pin first. 1 like
  -  acp_trainer @rooobviously 👌
  -  tacconcan @acp_trainer remove index pin- BE is torqued on at about 150 ft lbs. 1 like
  -  acp_trainer @tacconcan 🔧 Yikes! 1 like