... Off topic - An older friend (ha, he's my age) says he eats a half can of frozen orange juice concentrate right out of the can (like ice cream?) each morning. He swears by it. He's a lot smarter than me and rattled off all sorts of benefits until I started wondering if there was gonna be a quiz 😳 Anyhow, just passing it along in the abbreviated form 😎 ML
267 likesstillsaltyaf_ Definitely something worthy of looking into for healthier habits. I don't know of that many top tier AR makers that give healthy advice. That's why my next AR is gonna be a LaRue. I have my own wishlist of a 7.62 and a 6.5. Maybe you'll slip in a recipe for some great tasting chili in one of the boxes, maybe you won't but I know damn well I won't have any accuracy issues👏😂🙌🙌 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @stillsaltyaf_ ... It'll have beans 😎 5 likes
  -  havegregory @stillsaltyaf_ consuming that much sugar on a daily basis is by no means a healthy habit
  -  stillsaltyaf_ @havegregory if it replaces some of my unhealthier habits than it's a win win. I love orange juice just not the diabetic high that comes with it so perhaps I will rethink it. 😂
symphony_for_the_devil I just eat oranges...
  -  laruetactical @symphony_for_the_devil ... Oranges don't "keep" ... frozen "keeps" when kept frozen. 🤷 1 like
  -  symphony_for_the_devil @laruetactical i live in Florida...
  -  laruetactical @symphony_for_the_devil ... It got to 3 degrees here a year ago. I noticed it killed all the nice tall cypress trees they planted years ago in the Home Depot parking lot
  -  symphony_for_the_devil @laruetactical coming to think of it... it been a cold winter here in Palm Beach. We got down into the 50's last month.
psierr0754 Add some vanilla , ice , and milk and you got Orange Julius 🍊
getupusa Do not do that! They are just loading up on frozen sugar water. If you want to eat fruit flavored ice cream eat a frozen orange. They are not getting the benefits of fruit just the flavor and that brings lots of sugar . Eat the real fruit don't just drink the juice ! 2 likes
  -  getupusa @getupusa The Kombucha mushroom people
Sitting around all day
Who can believe you?
Who can believe you?
Let your mother pray
psierr0754 Also what's the wait time for LAT hand guards ?
icecoldmn I love orange juice, but I'll stick to drinking it,besides I don't like vodka for breakfast 😂
sassle14 You gotta eat it to work? Can't just maybe, add water and drink it?
  -  laruetactical @sassle14 ... Dunno. Maybe it's a time efficiency thing 🤷 1 like
  -  perez2021juan @sassle14 scooping it out with a spoon on a TX summer day....now that sounds delightful! I may give it a try come summer 1 like
303ac Orange sorbet hack. Nice 👍
aggressivesquirrelartandstuff There is no added sugar in this product. It's 100% juice concentrate. One can makes 48oz. of juice. Yes, there would be a lot of natural carbs in eating 1/2 can (27g/serving). But he's also getting a buttload of vitamin C (160% of rda per serving) not counting the antioxidant effects... 4 likes
havegregory That's a lot of sugar. If you want vitamin C, there are easier ways of getting into your body.
j_perry69 Interesting
nocornerman The health benefits of frozen concentrated zombie oranges... idk Mark idk....
threeper_g What's his beef with eating a real orange instead of something processed? My daughter worked in a lab as a chemist where they used chemicals to tweak the flavors of these things. And let's be honest, sugar is poison. People in this country are fat and need to get back to the basics of eating real food which this most definitely is not. 5 likes
  -  laruetactical @threeper_g ... "More sailors died of scurvy-more than three times as many-as soldiers were killed in the American Civil War. Today we know that this terrible ailment, which ravaged both body and mind, was caused by chronic vitamin C deficiency, brought on by lack of fresh fruit and vegetables." 3 likes
  -  zebulonmccloud @threeper_g "eating an orange" is not one bit healthier than juicing the same orange and drinking it. I guess squeezing and orange is processing but it sure seems you are repeating buzzwords.
  -  pat_17_76 @zebulonmccloud it is when you get rid of all the shit chemicals they throw at it... preservatives and other crap
  -  zebulonmccloud I said "squeeze and orange". Reading comprehension rocks.
  -  pat_17_76 @zebulonmccloud yeah but you're the reeee reee that implied that what's in the picture (processed concentrates) is the same as a "freshly juiced" orange.. you're right reading comprehension rocks and it's sad that someone's who's second language is English has a better grasp on the language than native speakers 😘 1 like
  -  stevenmcclay6921 @zebulonmccloud You would be correct sir, if all they did was squeeze and freeze. Apparently (or not so apparently) freezing and thawing causes quality to diminish so processes are deployed to protect or restore the flavor/texture. 1 like
  -  zebulonmccloud I said "SQUEEZE AN ORANGE". You implied things I didn't say and assigned them to me. Keep studying. You'll get it eventually. Reading comprehension. It still rocks.
  -  zebulonmccloud @stevenmcclay6921 like I previously stated I said "squeeze an orange". Wtf is wrong with you guys? It's the premise that eating fruit is healthier than juicing it and drinking is a fallacy that i addressed. For some reason y'all want to Karen this to sugar, processing, chemicals....... That's not what I said.
  -  laruetactical @pat_17_76 ... Okay bi-lingual braggart ... how do I tell you in your other language to add vodka to your orange juice for medicinal purposes ? 6 likes
  -  pat_17_76 @laruetactical y'all don't buy it with the vodka already in it, whack... 1 like
  -  laruetactical @pat_17_76 ... 😂😂 2 likes
  -  breedlove.ben @zebulonmccloud It objectively is tho. When you juice fruit instead of eating the entire fruit you lose all the natural fiber and other nutrients that don't come out with the juice. This is common knowledge.
  -  zebulonmccloud @breedlove.ben no. It's a common fallacy. Fiber from an orange is negligible at best. An orange has about 3 grams of fiber. Juice is about 10% less. This is common fact. See, just repeating stuff doesn't always work out.
  -  zebulonmccloud @breedlove.ben please describe "other nutrients".
stevenmcclay6921 That's a lot of sugar. I was watching a video on the Tube with Robert H Lustig on the evils of sugar. He lays out the data between processed food and obesity, and also how it's becoming a world wide problem, and...globally we consume different things but obesity is everywhere. In that orange juice container is all of the sugar from oranges, or do they add sugar? Did they strip out the fiber? Another topic but the politics of sugar point to the controlled opposition theory, it's all about the money and not about the health of the people on either side of the aisle. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @stevenmcclay6921 ... Is there gonna be a quiz 😳 3 likes
  -  stevenmcclay6921 @laruetactical 😂 No quiz - just the Wednesday morning rambling of a fellow grumpster. 1 like
midwest_jeepguy.bu I load up on zinc and elderberry. And I drink a glass orange juice every morning. But I never thought of eating a half frozen can. I'm gonna try it
texaselectric1973 My grandmother did the same thing more or less. She'd eat just a couple spoons of it and never explained any benefit.
edwin_echer @laruetactical 2000mg Ascorbic Acid in 6oz of orange juice every day. A lot less sugar intake then the above method. It does make the OJ a bit more tart. 1 like