... The team went all out to hit UPS with a whole bunch of complete rifles. Hoping the stars align and these end up under Christmas trees ... fingers crossed 🐎 ML
591 likeshobbit0717 That would be a great Christmas.
wschulte402 Waiting for those stars to align and spell out Siete release date 🙄😉 2 likes
kjm104110 I want my tranquillo 🤣 2 likes
whatarewedo1ng Nope. Not gonna happen unless they live in town. Then probably still won't. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @whatarewedo1ng ... Then the Grinning Grinch shows up 1 like
  -  whatarewedo1ng @laruetactical come on now. Just being real. I'm on the shipping side though so my view is jaded. Merry Christmas to you and your family. Daughter coming in town?
dpayne290 Hope mine is in that stack!
jonathan.thorn.75 Stars aligned, received mine yesterday!