... Combing the internet, I blundered into this recent low-key trigger poll taken back in October. LaRue MBT = 2nd place ... meh, not bad. I'll grin and take it. I haven't looked at the MBT's Holiday sale numbers lately, but guessing it's pushing 10,000 more LaRue MBTs released into the wild. If you have one of our competitor's overpriced triggers, sell it now while there are still a few suckers left and buy two (2) MBTs ;-) ML
638 likesr.j.cogburn Have both, wish id never wasted the money on the SSA-E 1 like
discospud38 I prefer the 2nd stage break on the MBT-2S. Its more defined than the Geissele. However, I have to say that I prefer a concave curve on the face of triggers vs the broad "flat" face of the MBT-2S. That's just preference though.
_j.a.m.e.s_lee_ Haha I shoot yours in service rifle!
webermakescoolstuff I just installed mine! I grabbed one while greedily up snatching one of those sweet APEG grips on sale. I love it! These will be my go-to trigger from here on🤙🏻
iceman_wulf Franklin bfs3 trigger sucks ass
theres_no_i_in_burch Second place but 1/3rd the price sounds more like the winner to me. 2 likes
el_jefe_556 I put as much stock in this poll as the 2016 presidential pollsters. MBT is the best at any price. Keep up the fine work and Merry Christmas to you fine Americans
thedogeoftheyear TFB readers are retards, so this doesn't mean much.
jossege I've had Geissele SD-C straight bow triggers for years, but when I got my MPX I waited for the straight bow MBT to finally get released. Love that trigger.
agw_fl 👏🏻🙌🏻😂
dirk.t77 I've got both. Wished I'd realized the value of the mbt sooner. I can't even tell the difference between them except for the price difference, which is huge..
tsuhobbs Mbt is the best. Wondering what the single stage feels like. 1 like
garrettpino Mbt 2s is in all of my rifles and all my buddies builds i help with. Not a better one out there
ely_oaf Internet is wrong. MBT should be #1. 2 likes
wonderbeard88 I have both. And honestly my finger can't tell the difference between the two. So why pay more for the G
bland_jamesbland I've got 2 mbts and will definitely buy more. 1 like
duqjeep2010 I have both. I will say I do like the feel of the SSA-E better but for the I can wait price it isn't worth the extra cost. Not to mention the MBT is a tank with very robust construction.
ccdisp Mark, I'll be honest. The G SD-C and SSA-E are a fuzz better than the MBT, IMO. For the cost though, the MBT is like 90% as good. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @ccdisp ... You must be a fan of triggers with built-in creep ... meh, to each his own. ML 3 likes
  -  fatandtactical @ccdisp wrong on all ends. Don't know how a dog shoots a two stage trigger effectively anyways
legion_vi I bought one of your straight bow triggers on black friday. I have 2 geiselle's. Based on pure performance, yours are just as good, and better priced.
sdh_custom I have 4 triggers.. two are rise armament ra140 and two are larue MBT. Both incredible, both about $100. IDK why anyone would ever spend more
jdelabay What's the percentage of Geissele voters who have tried an MBT🤔 I must say, I put an MBT on my dad's rifle and wish I knew about them when I built my rifle!
charles.spradlin.58 JP.
v6merc I LOVE my first LaRue MBT-2S trigger - I will be buying more! Clean, crisp and detectable in every way! Funny how some of the the other major brand names prices are dropping like flies... 😌
mikenotgonnagetit I sold off my SSA-E and swapped in you MBT and well I've bought more MBT triggers than I care to admit and use nothing but MBTs now in my builds. I've got a literal tower of little metal MBT cans all over
  -  laruetactical @mikenotgonnagetit ... Someone made me some neat candles with theirs. You can top that, fill a couple with Krugerands and send them my way ;-) ML
  -  mikenotgonnagetit @laruetactical lmao yeah I dont think I'm gonna be getting rid of mine anytime soon. Havent decided in what I'm gonna use mine for yet. So right now they adorn my workbench as a kind of leaning tower of Pisa
bigbrassenergy I used to run the Geissele's on all my rifles until I tried the LaRue MBT...BYE BYE Geissele 1 like
bmullis @laruetactical I have several GA's and haven't used anything but the MBT's since they came out. I honestly think the MBT is as good as you can get! As a gunsmith with 25 years of experience on ARs I will tell you the "drop in " triggers are junk. Stick with open architecture triggers on ARs and you won't regret it !
wimb0 Mbt is better than SSA-E, IMO. Where can you get a match grade trigger for less than a bill when the best competition is 240?
ianmixon1 I have the SSAe . Yours is priced better . It takes the SSAE a while to smooth out . I installed yours in a larue upper build kit and it was just as or better than the E 1 like
bigjoncardell I'll take a LaRue trigger over any of those others any day. I've got one Geissele Super 3 Gun that will stay in its respective gun... but just about everything else I have has been swapped out for a LaRue. Just as good, much better bang for your buck... I have even given a few away as gifts. Thanks for making such a great trigger and offering it at a great price point! 1 like
g_walker9 Hmm I prefer my mbt over the ssa-e. I have both currently. Just wish there was a way to make the trigger reset a little stronger 1 like
ruger.510 The MBT feels better than Geissele at half the cost. 5 likes
maples14 I wasn't aware of a poll bc it would've been one more vote for mbt. 2 likes
law_dog_349 People sleep on POF Triggers amd idk why 1 like
  -  squints_mfb @law_dog336 we dont sleep on them. If you buy one of their rifles, there is no need to switch it out because they are good, fun, triggers. If youre buying a trigger to put in a rifle build however, there are too many other better priced options, and thats not even getting into the whole "drop in triggers suck" debate.
  -  law_dog_349 @squints_mfb why do drop in triggers suck …ive never heard that
  -  texaninaustin @law_dog336 POF are great in picky 9mm ARs. They work 100% when others don't. 1 like
tractoroper8tor I have a dumb question but what do the flat triggers do that curves don't?
  -  nelson_shooting_concepts @siegethedaybythehorns they create a different feel in how they break based on the travel of the trigger
  -  tractoroper8tor @nelson_shooting_concepts thank you 1 like
_intellectual_slacker Love my mine 1 like
cmbmd I would pay double for a full auto MBT. 1 like
harrystetser Btw i love my MBT in my grendel build
akoperatorsunionlocal4774 MBT is the best value on the market out there. Period. This is the way!u s 🤣👍 19 likes
bigcalamari I have 6 of your triggers.love them!
blck10th Well being a tool and die maker myself any you guys mentioning them as the ones making it. I might have to get one of these. Toolmakers almost never get a high five. They are considered the necessary evil overhead. 2 likes
def3va What value does the other trigger have when they're continually discounted 30%?
rdam_defense_ross Geissele sucks, CMC flat 1 like
  -  rdam_defense_ross @rdam_defense_ross the fact that there's a binary trigger on there at all makes me think they asked a bunch of idiots.
cts304 Can't beat a LaRue MBT 1 like
canemovium Dumbass poll. The peeps who voted for the SSA-E have clearly never had any trigger time with the MBT.
  -  realmda13 @canemovium yup, peeps be biased
kevinmichael_67 I don't own an SSA-E but I can't imagine it being a $160 better trigger than the MBT. 2 likes
  -  thirtythree_three @gt500kevin I own about 4 SSA-E's (and some flat-bow versions, the SD-E). They're not $160 better. They're cast metal, while the MBTs are s7 Tool Steel (I don't foresee myself ever breaking one, even if it is cast, but if we're comparing it is worth noting). There's a different feel between the MBTs and SSA-E's, and a lot of that can be personal preference.
  -  thirtythree_three @tacticalfun Ok. I'll take your word for it. Does that make it better?
  -  gsdpanzer I do need to give these a try on some of my builds.
pillages_villages Do a trade-in program. I've got about 4-dozen Geissele triggers I'd love to get rid of. 3 likes
  -  jerjustus @pillages_villages which one? I'm interested
  -  pillages_villages I'm way too lazy to sell 40-50 triggers individually
  -  jerjustus @pillages_villages 🙄 I figured.
jaredinoz I have 6 MBT's and one of which is flat. Every one of them is fantastic! 1 like
taylor_lynn21_a Franklin armory?......... 😂 1 like
  -  r.j.cogburn @taylor_lynn21a trigger itself is bad, terrible even. Binairy is great.
the_doug_and_erin_oil_show I think the larue trigger is the best on the market. 1 like
miggidymurph I'm still rocking the American Gold y'all use to include w the T-OBR and it's a fantastic trigger.
hartmandef_ceo Just ordered one for a blackout build. Excited to get it!
harrystetser The geissele fanbois only like thiers because of the mistaken belief that if it costs more it surely must be better. See also daniel defense. 1 like
  -  canscatsandgats @harrystetser i have both and prefer the Geissele, especially the SSA-E or the Match. 3 likes
  -  realmda13 @canscatsandgats look up the charts, mbt is more consistent. It's science bitches!