2018 Employee of the year award was shared by the 2 ladies that had this blanket made for me for Christmas 😊Today, I learned my favorite pic can be put on a blanket! A sleigh full of thanks to K & M in assembly. 🎄 ML #larue #laruetactical #teamlarue #employeesoftheyear
413 likesstorman_67 I need one too👍
josh.macintyre That's awesome! 🔥
rexbell296 That is really cool!
sardude1911 The dog looks almost real!!! 😁
topshotdustin Verified Too cool! I made deer jerky with the kids with Dillo Dust today :) 1 like
divingdriver You have the best people working with you!
tonyleal84 That's pretty awesome! 1 like
austinjonesangler Wow👏🔥🔥
gunnertwo Merry Christmas to you and the crew. Thanks for great products.
balls172 Very cool
f1504rad Details on where to have this done please, also are you still putting Dillo Dust in orders?
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
mac_daddy62 That's fantastic. Love it
mattkhall Those are good people!
guntherprussing 💪 sweet