... Look at the Wire EDM's magwell path it cut through this still submerged lower - ML
408 likescoryintexas How does the wire get into the part in the first place? Is there a pilot hole or something? 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @coryintexas ... Yes, exactly, a pilot hole for the machine to self-thread the wire through - ML 4 likes
  -  coryintexas @laruetactical Awesome. Thanks for the explanation.
ar_ak_guy0309 Where I work we use a broach machine. How does the edm compare to a broach? 1 like
whatarewedo1ng I need one of the slugs cut out 1 like
polar.bear.actual Very cool, would love to see video
lukelj72 What's the thought behind the corner reliefs if the magwell corners can be square? Thanks for all the behind the scenes 👍
  -  laruetactical @lukelj72 ... EDM ballet ... 1 like
mikenotgonnagetit Can you please lost a video of you EDMing a Magwell from start to finish? I love seeing EDM machines working, such a cool process 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @mikenotgonnagetit ... Due to EDM's "flushing requirements, can't get a camera close enough to see anything. Google "LaRue Great Trigger hall" and watch that video. I set up a great example of Wire EDMing starting a burn in that video. ML 1 like
  -  mikenotgonnagetit @laruetactical will do sir. From a geek standpoint EDM is just cool as hell, but I'll check out your suggestion:)
parallax_error1 I second what @mikenotgonnagetit said. 1 like
byrdprecision I've never worked with the wire or sinker at work but my shop just got a new hole popper and it's in my cell so I'm having fun playing with it. Great pics as always Mark.
tntpb365 What is the cycle time on that cut?
  -  laruetactical @tntpb365 ... Dunno off the top of my head, but will say EDM is not a fast process and never will be. ML