... A little help on a last minute controversy here ... Was going to send Nolo rifles out a little different t with black C2Fs. Now we kinda like the look. What say ye ? Post your vote for folder's color - black or FDE ? ML
519 likesicecoldmn Fde
j.w.spill Black
bradk6321 FDE
canemovium FDE
rmstefko FDE for the win!!
fertilizer650401 Black
cts304 Black
everett.haley FDE
caputo61885 Fde
jfpvh I like Black . I'm assuming we can get the Rifle in black u s u s ☕☕
  -  laruetactical @jfpvh ... ?? Why would you want the whole thing in black ? 1 like
  -  jfpvh @laruetactical Sorry my mind wanders sometimes black rifle FDE stock🤷. I do have to admit all of my AR are all black. Although I do like the bluish gray finish on some AR that I have seen u s u s ☕☕
captgmreed Black. What is the lead time for the OBR?
michael_s.kline FDE
the_silverfox83 FDE
jaskotearmorcoatings Black, like I tell my kids- your pants and shirt can't be the same color
86evo_moto Black
titan_rook FDE. Everything out there is black, let's the details & contours be seen better.
realmda13 Black
realmda13 Black
meikol2 I dig the black.
jossege I like the idea of the Nolo rifles being different than production.
rogerconlin Looks like a successful experiment to me. Like it
sanfordm1911 Fde
helodriver1 Always FDE.......everything please, or as much as possible.
funwithsticks Black
austin_asu FDE
isplityourwig Black 💯
52gburgess Black.👍u s
csheets808 Black is a nice accent to the other black parts. I say black
stevenmcclay6921 I like the FDE folder.
mk_n_it FDE
keyspeed09 Black
david_knoch FDE
two_clicks Fde
jollygreen182 Fde
engineer59 I like the contrast so black for me
gatorkan FDE...when will they be available??
wimb0 Fde
mj.jarrett22 Black
jgunner1717 Black
kevinmichael_67 FDE
chad_pyle Black!
daddyscott2001 Fde
torti850 Black with a matched fde riser?
thatglockdude FDE
thatglockdude FDE
balls172 FDE
the_doug_and_erin_oil_show I think black
limeswire Black
ttyner1212 FDE
fyrfytrs.wife Black 👍u s 👍u s
jensonross17 Black
curtgonzales FDE
tscott514 Fde
redoak.sooner Fde 1 like
joe.numbers FDE
def3va FDE 1 like
jjfitter6176 Blk
forwardmomentumfabrication Fde
bulletsnbirdies Black. gives it that nice two tone look L R
eocsis_86 +1 fde
gunsandsharpthings FDE. 1 like
ralph124c41 Black
photogunic FDE
g.in.mt FDE
j_frank24_ FDE
jmscade FDE
tduke3853 Black
hantusmostert F
weapon_eyezd I like both honestly, FDE would be my vote 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @luxury_chances ... 13 FDE vs 7 Black 1 like
  -  weapon_eyezd @laruetactical I assumed FDE would be more popular, but the black looks just as sick honestly
  -  thirtythree_three @laruetactical Another here for FDE. If nothing else, it will distinguish a Siete from a lot of other bold actions out there that have standard M4 buffer tubes and may look the same.
kernsy71 FDE
beausoefje I like the black