... Another day at the salt mine ;-) ML
1,031 likesk_bash88 WARCOMPS!!! ususus 1 like
  -  modest_omega @k_bash88 yeah man, those are legit af 🔥
aleex_el_cuh1209 Those are sexy 😍
bb4194 Anytime you need a break. Let me know. 2 likes
nelson_shooting_concepts Looks terrible 😉
jfpvh 😍 OBR 308 with Sure Fire War comp u s u s ☕☕
michael_rogers35 😂😂
specialagentman @laruetactical mark, could those handguards be an option for your upper receiver kits? 1 like
topshotdustin Verified I'm over here thinking: if we remove al the comps and fire every gun all at once until the mags are empty how far could we roll that golf cart? Wanna make another video? 12 likes
  -  esqphoto @topshotdustin - You sir are the definition of a bad influence and we like it! 4 likes
sjandrews7 These should go straight to Virginia. Boys there could use some help about now. 4 likes
  -  laruetactical @sjandrews7 ... In spite of the outcome of Virginia's biannual Liberals vs Conservatives Potomac River Shootout, the resulting loss has a silver lining ... it served to wake the rest of us up. We're gonna have to go the extra mile in getting conservatives off their butts and into the voting booths. ML 26 likes
  -  wendell.mckissick @laruetactical would funding libertarian militias with your rifles mean it would be a "boogalarue"? 13 likes
  -  twojsdad @laruetactical Hoping to get the lower for my Ultimate Upper kit before the new legislators are sworn in and have a chance to vote on any measures!
  -  sjandrews7 @laruetactical indeed sir!
engineer59 Work, work, work ........ 😊
ohclarko Beautiful! Who/what are these for with the SF breaks? @laruetactical 1 like
  -  laruetactical @clarkopolo1 ... Guessing customer has SF cans ... ML 1 like
chris55green 🧡🙌
ebdt2 You have a lot. It wouldn't be noticed if you lose one. 😉 1 like
  -  laruetactical @ebdt2 ... Funny :-)
taryn_lamont How much would ut be to get the same set up?
gcc7.62 Best gas gun ever made. u s Not just promoting. I own one and love it. Anyone out there looking to get one, I'm telling you, it will not disappoint. 🤙🏻