... For those of you liking my "How it's done" stuff ... here's the Siete Chassis' C2F hinge piece - ML
295 likesmj.jarrett22 Do you guys utilize steel soft jaws in your production run or do you just run aluminum? Or do you use aluminum soft jaws when cutting aluminum parts and steel when cutting steel? @laruetactical
  -  laruetactical @mj.jarrett22 ... A combination of it all. Long running parts get hardened and ground tool steel jaws. Last infinitely longer / no wear. ML
  -  mj.jarrett22 @laruetactical nice! ive been debating on cutting some nice steel jaws for some of our repetitively setup jobs. But haven't pulled the trigger on making them as of yet. I love the shop pictures! It always is nice to see how other machinist tackle workholding problems. (I feel its the hardest part of machining parts)
dune_shoot Love the how it's done stuff!