... Okay, look at the target - I shot one 5-shot group out of each of the 5 Nolo 20" 6.5CM rifles with Hornady 140 ELD Match. 1st rifle cold bore snuck out a little. 4th rifle I tried some shenanigans trying to split two holes and ended up top left. Last rifle (bottom left bullseye) I flinched them all together ;-) ML
548 likesconnelldad I can't wait to win #6
mkivbb @laruetactical What optic/distance/bullet/etc? And you didn't shoot the 4th target? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @mkivbb ... I shoot proof-groups in "The Wormhole", my under ground 100 yard benchrest range - ML 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @mkivbb ... A Nightforce sumpin'-or-the-other ... I knew I should've wrote a paragraph on each one - ML 10 likes
  -  mkivbb @laruetactical very nice sir! My buddy just ordered one of your 6.5 Grendel complete rifles with all of the extras that I'm chomping at the bit to try out. I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a boner the size of a jungle gym to get ahold of that thing and put it through it's paces!
phil.thompson.140 Not bad for new barrels. 100 round it will get even better.
  -  laruetactical @phil.thompson.140 .... I measured all 5 of the Nolo winner Siete rifle's groups ....
Group #1 = 0.950"
Group #2 = 0.600"
Group #3 = 0.720"
Group #4 = 0.980"
Group #5 = 0.500"
average = 0.750"/1.047 = 0.7163 moa 3 likes
miggidymurph Great cause. Just handed off 2 dillo shirts and 2 dillos to 2 5th group boys. They are about to experience liberal Austin night life. Wish us luck. 1 like
the_evan_principle #TackDriver
rmstefko 🎉
csolstice032018 Nice!!