... Achtung !! Get the word out to any Licensed Hunters you know !! Urge them to hustle their butt off the couch and register to vote !! Close elections are becoming the norm ... you and your hunting buddies votes or lack of votes may decide the outcome of the 2020 election !! Do it !! ML
1,054 likestreylillich When is the Siete going to be available? I keep checking your website and nothing! 2 likes
tomknowles7 Any word on when we can buy the siete? 2 likes
therealdougkeeney Love my PredatAR! Extremely accurate, reliable and catches lots of looks and comments at the range. 1 like
stockpiledefense 🤘
baumdiggity27 You got stuff to give away but can't get a scope mount out the door. 5 weeks and counting 6 likes
  -  laruetactical @baumdiggity27 .. Your point being you hate me trying to help get hunters to vote in this election cycle ? 21 likes
  -  tjohns1900 @laruetactical Got my 2 scope mounts in 4 days sometimes we blame the wrong person for delayed results
Thanks Larue for a great product and service 8 likes
  -  gusisarealboy @baumdiggity27 someone needs to call this dude a whambulance!! 😰😢😭 4 likes
  -  rls620 @baumdiggity27 they've slipped from what they once were. Sucks.
  -  laruetactical @rls620 ... EC&R - Election Covid & Riots have emptied all gunstore shelves in America of guns and ammo. This is my formal apology to you for not planning a panic gun rush better. 🤪 18 likes
  -  laruetactical @thiswildadventure ... Mention Siete again, I dare ya. 👽 2 likes
  -  rls620 @laruetactical haha. It's been longer than that bud. Sad that a once reputable company now resorts to being a smart ass on social media. Consider a 10+ year customer, gone.
  -  lkcrome @rls620 so still quite reputable in the eyes of many, myself included but even better is the fact that Mark and yourself obviously are exercising your freedom of speech and choice so back to the thread... your vote is still important 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @rls620 ... We haven't slipped a damn bit from what we once were, but we do have a 100X more active customers. But you, you'd handle growth and competition so much better than we have. Later dudely. 17 likes
  -  rls620 @laruetactical no need to be a prick, man. And you have slipped. But that's ok.
  -  rls620 @laruetactical you're feuding on Instagram about how great you are. Just feels like I hit a soft spot. Lol.
  -  laruetactical @rls620 ... And you're shitting in a Get Out The Vote thread on a gun board. Just feels like I hit a stupid spot. Uh, yuck, yuck, yuck. 10 likes
  -  rls620 @laruetactical lol. Ok
  -  dabean4 @rls620 you must not have followed @laruetactical posts very long 😂 4 likes
  -  baumdiggity27 @baumdiggity27 I'm only griping on Instagram because I ordered a scope mount July 5th. I emailed on July 9th and your company responded it would be 2-4 weeks. It's now August 10. Emailed again last week just to get an update because I believe your products are worth it. Email response is several more weeks out. The reason I'm complaining is because it never said backordered on sight or out of stock at time of purchase. And I've been waiting patiently but it kinda seems like priorities are out of order cause there's nothing but prototype post and post like these and no post like other companies saying anything like hey guys thanks for sticking with us will be trying to get orders out as soon as possible. I'm still gonna wait because I like your products. My original post might be ignorant but at the same time imagine ordering something you ate excited for thats in stock to shortly getting an confirmation email saying balance due is total amount and then u wait a month just to find out it's still gonna be even longer. 1 like
shqype_ Thanks for running this contest to encourage Trump voters in 2020!
ballisticly_challenged @jeramiehatch @bootsandbroadheads @filthyheathen9 @hulk_1986
scott.vogel.902 @tditch16 1 like
siegrisj @armiller91 @michaelguilliam
topshotdustin Verified Wow. A rifle per week! Sweet!!! 1 like
pewpewvette Good shit Mark
edc3304 Great job LaRue!
everettafanadore I only have and will only buy your AR rifles!!!!!! I have to thank you Mr. Larue for your dedication to providing your fellow Americans with in my eyes the most amazing rifles on the market! We salute and thank you sir! God bless all that you do and your incredible company!! Stay safe and healthy!
chingkou87 Keep pumping them MBT-2's! I'm waiting on a back order! 1 like
tonymarazzo That's awesome!
mckeonekert Well said my friend!
brandmair I'm voting for #jojorgensen2020 @laruetactical 😁
rodney_fortmann Send me either one would be sweet