... This is gonna sound outrageous ... I've observed my Griffon using her old chew bones as bait for flies. She then stands stockstill and bites them when they get within biting range. Twice I've seen her choke/gag after a kill. Meh, she's just another Texan huntin' over bait🤷
336 likesbmullis @laruetactical Sounds like she's got it figured out lol !
  -  laruetactical @bmullis ... Hey !! Have you heard of Jef Fowler ? Jef was my Tennessee country neighbor, mentor, friend. ML 1 like
  -  bmullis @laruetactical Oh yes ! Jef was well known in the benchrest world . I'm pretty sure he won the Super Shoot one year.
  -  laruetactical @bmullis .. Cool beans, and Jef did win back to back SuperShoots in the early 80s 💪🎯💯 1 like
  -  bmullis @laruetactical Yes , that's right. He had a real hot streak going there !! Btw , thanks for making the BEST AR trigger I have ever used , I don't even consider any other trigger for my ARs now my friend!
  -  laruetactical @bmullis ... Thanks for the trigger compliment. Jef passed away in early January 2007, from complications of diabetes ... time flies. 1 like
  -  duckhnt @laruetactical you can't say time flies after your original post!
neomonk21 Beautiful dog! Quick question. I have a .223 Stealth barrel. What weight bullet do you recommend?
mckeonekert Kota hunt flies too!