... I've been plagued by a brain teaser my mind conjured up ... "If I was transported into a 20 foot diameter fireproof sphere positioned dead middle of the planet earth, how much would I weigh if I took along my bathroom scale with me?" Anyhow, enough of that, now to this question of baristas spitting in customer coffees. Are they singling out cops, or do they have a list ? If I pull up in a late model truck, is that rubbing my privilege in their faces? If the lady in front of me is wearing a cross necklace, does that mock the barrista's unknown atheism ? If I have a Massey- Ferguson hat on that they mistake for a MAGA hat ... spooky. I'm glad I bought Keurigs cheap and stacked 'em deep. ML
399 likesjustinwivey If I see one spit in my coffee or food, it will be last time they ever think about doing it again!! 1 like
treylillich Do what I do and have your coffee at home. Put them all out of a job and maybe they will change their behavior 1 like
  -  titan_rook @ben_nervous The idea he suggested was people bring coffee from home rather than support them. If only the customers who hold to American morals and values, if those customers who want America to remain a Constitutional Republic, if those customers who work in LE or have loved ones who do stopped patronizing them, they most certainly would go out of business.
  -  titan_rook @ben_nervous Ah, you're one of those dumb shits. I'd be willing to bet the day you test one, you'll be crying for mommy and your basement. Easiest way to avoid interactions with the police is to NOT BREAK THE LAW. I've got a pretty good track record doing just that.
in2bnd An ABCShould be in the list of "Hate Crimes"
46wlf46 Get a Brevel and thank me later 1 like
baldirishmonk Eh, I just assume someone always spits in my food or drink 1 like
miggidymurph If a cup of joe costs more than a 6 pack, you might be a hipster 2 likes
slefever 'Does that look like spit to you? Ah f it' - Farva 1 like
artemis_larue @laruetactical but if you took a scale to the center of the earth would there even be a direction gravity would be working in? Or would you just be suspended in the center of the sphere?
  -  laruetactical @artemis_larue ... A weighty question indeed. Put me down for the "LaRue Conjecture", Millennium Math Problem #8 🤓 1 like
lee_kenthe Just saw this on YouTube, physics professor guy says weightless at center of the earth
kevindalton1958 My daughter and husband are deputys' and she rarely wears her uniform to work. They have been out several times and civilians pay for their food, or write nice notes, come to the table with thanks. They're are some people left that respect and know the need of law enforcement. As far as the center of the Earth goes. I think we should fill it with antifa. 3 likes
seananiguns Have you asked your buddy Todd? Seems like some simple cowboy math and a good calculizer could hammer this one shut
joseph5myers Mark, do yourself a favor and get some Black Rifle Coffee. They make K-cups and are headquartered in San Antonio. Owned and run by a bunch of guys that more than likely utilized some of your rifles to hand out express trips to meet Allah over the last 15 or so years. 10 likes
  -  laruetactical @joseph5myers ... This thread ain't about coffee. 14 likes
  -  _eddievega @laruetactical 😉😉
  -  joseph5myers @laruetactical see response below.
vfs_klc If the sphere is free floating inside the core you would possibly become weightless with the core around you pulling outwards. If its attached in the core with the high speed spin they believe our core does you would probably end up weighing 3x to 5x bodyweight
governorperry Verified Damn nice cup, nonetheless....🤓 8 likes
tonymarazzo I guess if you want the bad coffee with the fancy sweets, you have to go in watch them make it. Better yet, just make it yourself. Stanley will keep it hot for days.
glass2mouth_ Earth is hollow with dinosaurs and aliens duh
charles_helm Back when the world was free you could walk inside and watch them make your coffee and get your name wrong on the cup.
joseph5myers I understand that,but if you deal with like minded people of good character and integrity you won't have to worry about what they are doin when your not looking. That is all I was trying to say.