... This mass grave is only 200 yards from our main manufacturing facility ... Google the story ... LaRue Tactical has cared for this cemetery for well over a decade, mowing, edging. Maybe we're plankholders in Adopt- a-Cemetery. ML
466 likesbecketseemsfine You don't hear about stuff like this in history class. Doesn't fit the narrative. 3 likes
stevenmcclay6921 It was not that long ago. Read the book Empire of the Summer Moon by S.C. Gwynne for more details. Being so close to the dead center of Texas it's going to be the safest monument in the whole USA! 5 likes
  -  laruetactical @stevenmcclay6921 ... More suggested reading - - "The Boy Captives" - By Clinton Smith. Put a pot of cowboy coffee on and pull on your chaps ... it's a non-stop wild ride.
trapshootb Well SIR, ON behalf of THIS GREAT NATION I Would like to Thank You! For What You Have Been Doing. This is Truly a Gesture of Respect and Honor .............. 3 likes
pylot2b I'm sure at the time your real estate agent was screaming location location location! All kidding aside that's awesome you have been good stewards of the site. 1 like
mckeonekert Well done! 1 like
blazecito Lords of the plains 2 likes
dhammitdave Lots of interesting Texas history most don't know about. The Nueces River Massacre is another one that'll make you want to go back in time and fight somebody.
cfincher9700 Add Comanche empire as well
icecoldmn If only they would have had a dozen larue semi autos and a bunch of ammo,the outcome might have been much different. Simply amazing the advancement in firearms
rich_dierks We have a county back home in Wisconsin named Burnett and the county seat is Webster. This has me thinking where the names came from