... In the late '60s, my mom cleared me hot for Outdoor Life Book Club. Who else filled their bedroom book shelves, one book a month, in the late '60s through early '70s with Jack O'Connor, Warren Page, Lawrence Koller, Gordon MacQuarrie, Byron Dalrymple, John Taylor ... ? 🐐🎯💯 ML
420 likes45shooter2 Love the Jurras and Nonte book on Handgun Hunting! 2 likes
medic.wv It only take a few minutes during a power outage to realize that hard copy books, especially reference manuals, how-to's and classics, should never be replaced with digital versions! 10 likes
  -  laruetactical @medic.wv ... Skynet can turn off your power, and turn off your phone, and turn off your truck ... and tell the world you were an anti*vaxxer that did it all to yourself. 7 likes
  -  evlgreg @medic.wv unfortunately hunting tactics will change dramatically if Skynet decides to turn everything off. Or if someone decides to hack the grid. Animal movement will be under pressure from every direction all the time. Still better than nothing but those books might not be the gospel if hunting season is 24/7 365 2 likes
  -  lkcrome @laruetactical they're not gonna turn off a certain green cool ass truck you have though!
  -  laruetactical @evlgreg ... Deer barely survived the Great Depression and a starving population armed with iron-sighted 1903-A3 rifles. Just sayin' ...
  -  rob_clark71 @laruetactical 1903-A3? I'm gonna use a Lee-Enfield in 303 British.
  -  laruetactical @lkcrome ... She'll make it as far as darkened gas stations will take her. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @rob_clark71 ... Ya made me look 👀😎 1 like
duckhnt I remember getting a Highlights magazine once a month. I'd check the mail everyday. Good thing I didn't know about this book of the month thing, I never would have left the mailbox. 1 like