.... 1/2 dozen more 12" MGUs. They shot like MMRs .... Mini-Match Rifles 😎 ML
393 likeshardcoremike77 Are you restocking the lowers?
  -  laruetactical @hardcoremike77 ... Do you mean "making more" ? 3 likes
  -  hardcoremike77 @laruetactical I saw your post on Facebook this morning and went over to the website and they are sold out. So I was asking if you are going to have any more available for the sale. 1 like
akscott60 Hot.
akscott60 Hot.
texasgunnews What a task you have...wish I could shoot those all day🔥
adam_aufderheide You going to be selling the complete rifle? Because sign me up for 2.
csolstice032018 Sexy little devils!