.... Years ago I took off early with just me and that 20 ga. Beretta in my Navion and flew north into a monster headwind. With wind howling, I landed near the Kansas / Oklahoma line and got fuel. I looked at their map inside and using the string, I saw I was barely halfway👀 I turned into the wind midfield and lifted off. Finally landed in Huron, South Dakota and my pheasant hunting buddies were waiting at the airport, rev in' to go. We headed to the pheasants trying to beat sundown. I swung left around the abandoned homestead and the guys went right. Two wild roosters came out one at a time and I dropped 'em both, head thrown back, coming down dead. Winchester 2 3/4" XX Mag #6. They fell feet from each other. I stepped it off and they fell 70 yards from the end of my muzzle ~ The End ~ ML
436 likes300blackout_ Cool. That's what I use for pheasant. The 20 will do everything the 12 is capable of. 4 likes
  -  laruetactical @300blackout_ ... And you can carry more shells 😎 1 like
  -  mckeonekert @300blackout_ That's what I have shot all of pheasant hunting years. Lighter ammo and lighter shot gun. Especially when covering lots of ground in sometimes heavy cover. 1 like
  -  300blackout_ @mckeonekert I do the same for dove and quail. My Beretta 686 Whitewing I lightweight and a lot of fun to shoot.
thecodystone Damn I drug my feet too long on big boy uppers and lowers. Heads up on the price increases would've been cool.
  -  laruetactical @thecodystone ... IIRC, I gave 3 (or was it 4?) heads-ups. 1 like
  -  thecodystone @laruetactical on triggers yes. Uppers, no.
  -  thecodystone @laruetactical actually ordered 2 triggers and a riser the last cpl weeks. Shipped fast.
  -  laruetactical @thecodystone ... I wasn't specific ... I said something like "Be advises, our costs across the board are steadily increasing"
  -  laruetactical @thecodystone ... April 17th "inflation" post
  -  thecodystone @laruetactical just saying the increases were drastic. You teased too much on the 14.5 CM. I was holding out but would have bought a 18 and had it chopped if I'd have known.
  -  stevenmcclay6921 @laruetactical I do remember replying "order in" to that cost increase post and now have a second 6.5 Grendel UU. The world is flying by fast got to pay attention. 1 like
  -  thecodystone @stevenmcclay6921 I told myself I wasn't ordering anything else big until my back orders were delivered.
derekdolbeyforge That's an impressive shot with the Kahr.... Nice. 3 likes
  -  mckeonekert @derekdolbeyforge see my comment above b 1 like
  -  derekdolbeyforge @mckeonekert I'm with ya! Damned impressive!
kodiak_precision So supper was tasty that night?
mckeonekert Factual story. I was there and watched the step off. I still remember it as one several amazing shots I have seen over 56 six years of pheasant hunting. Great memory!
jprestonremington 🙌
perez2021juan Awesome! Ever taken the Navion out to Big Bend area to hunt?
dandahun2020 The way it should be👏👏
meauxthompson Howling wind in Kansas 1975, I doubled on cocks, Model 59 Winchester Win-Lite barrel, I still have it, shoots great.