... Boomers, enjoy 😎 ML
338 likeskopfjaeger01 Pretty funny!! But we all know that Ollie, a Lt. Col, arranged all of those deals!!😂 today's generation woulda rilled ao fast on each other!! 1 like
  -  laruetactical @kopfjaeger01 ... And first responder feels compelled to school us.
str8sh00ter79_ Not sure about Reagan as mastermind but we all know Bush Sr was the real man behind the curtain. His agency was the one running drugs from South America to Mena Arkansas, then Reagan was pretty much told that Bushy was his vice, so the whole sham continued. Reagan might have actually know clue what they were doing or he could've known but kept his trap shut or he was just playing his role. 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @str8sh00ter79_ ... Once upon a time, I landed and got fuel in Mena, Arkansas 3 likes
  -  str8sh00ter79_ @laruetactical during the 80's you could get jet fuel and high octane booger sugar in Mena. Well, at least before Gary Webb blew the whistle and then Barry Seal. It's weird how Reagan didn't pardon the conspirators but Bush did, in the night, on a Christmas Eve 🤷😬
  -  wtt_racing_engines @laruetactical I live in Arkansas and have been a pilot for 25 years. Have done a ton of reading about seal and his shitshow for sure. My childhood friend and neighbor was Don Henry, one of the "boys on the tracks" (look that up!) and their murder was tied to the dealings of bush, Clinton, Webster Hubble, and the whole Iran contra dealings. Taking to the IKF tiners around Mena, seal didn't actually unload the "marching powder" at the Mena airport, but in turn flew just north of the field and dropped it at a small grass strip call "Nella". For shits and giggles, look up the Arkansas Development Finance Authority. That's what they used to launder the cash coming in. They used that cash to fund the makings of more guns at Web Hubble's father in laws business "Park-O-Meter" and even had Iver Johnson helping furnish needed gun parts. ADFA loan funds had to be run through the Rose Law Firm, which was Hillary, Hubble, and Vince Foster…. And we all remember what happened to Foster when his conscious got to him and he was about to spill the beans about his part of that operation. And this was just a drop in the bucket of the shit show that started in Arkansas, the "land of opportunity" lol 2 likes
  -  wtt_racing_engines @wtt_racing_engines IKF tiners would say "old timers" sorry, can't edit.
  -  laruetactical @wtt_racing_engines ... Wow, didn't know I had fueled at such a historical place. A thunderstorm drove me up the White River (?), I remember a nuclear power plant (?), then I swung under Ft Chaffee and flew direct to Mena. South and east of Mena is Arkansas' highest rainfall point. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @wtt_racing_engines ... I have my own Arkansas related pet theory. The theory is when Sam Walton passed away, his surviving kids teamed up with the Clintons to give the Chicoms "Favored Nation Trading Status". And *POOF*... no more "Made in America" banners in WallyWorld. But hey, that's just random cogitations coming out of a simple old boomer. 😎 5 likes
  -  legionpreparedness @str8sh00ter79_ its called protecting a legacy. Reagan knew damn well what was going on hence his apology for Iran- Contra. He was fully aware of CIA drug runing as well as suppression of certain DEA agents (including torture and murder). But his hope was to escape admitting it which he did. All involved knew Bush Sr would make good on damage control & relief eg no prosecution. Those involved were needed in the future + they are forced to protect clandestine operators to some degree or nobody would roll the dice to do that type of dirty work. 1 like
brackeen22 Do you text yourself?
  -  laruetactical @brackeen22 ... Yes, for a graphic. Then I take a screen shot, chop around on it. You know, King of the Boomer stuff. 😎 5 likes
  -  brackeen22 @laruetactical definitely king of boomer stuff. Try doing that in notes then screen shot it or share from notes.
  -  prestondw @brackeen22 😐 I'm speechless
  -  laruetactical @prestondw ... Don't be embarrassed ... a lot of stuff I do leaves folks speechless 😎
oscarinthewoods Dutch!
usmale1 Very funny, went to high school in LA with Phil