If you are curious what one side of the RAT Stock's injection mold looks like ... And yeah, I see that some of this inanimate shop stuff isn't eye catching enough to a some of the guys that just want to hit sh*t - ML
401 likesharrystetser I like it. I think its cool to see how stuff is made
trapshootb That's Cool how long does the mold last ? Before it starts to show signs of wearing. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @trapshootb Seemingly forever in the light volumes we do out of 50% glass-filled nylon - ML 1 like
kylebryant8096 "How it's made" Larue tactical edition. Keep em' coming 2 likes
roaming_91 I do injection molding for circuit breakers. Pretty cool stuff. What's your cycle time on something like that?
  -  laruetactical @seminolegropp ... long time compared to whipping out gazillions of circuit breaker enclosures - ML 2 likes
  -  roaming_91 @laruetactical our 16 cavities run about 23-25 seconds a cycle. So yea lots !!!
trapshootb So is there any parts you 😎 Don't Make on Your Rifle ?👍
  -  laruetactical @trapshootb .. Pins, screws, and springs ... those folks run circles around us - ML 2 likes
  -  thedogeoftheyear @laruetactical They run circles around you? Surely you have the capability of KNS Precision, V7 Systems, Battle Arms Development etc, no?
  -  trapshootb @laruetactical Sir I Truly Doubt! There is any BODY that can Out Build You! IMHO ! Cheers Have a Great Weekend 👍
  -  jn_kelso @rcdoge ends has to justify the means. Takes a lot to make those small parts. Would it increase sales? I'm guessing not likely
venomdefense Super cool. Love all the shop stuff.
pathfinder1776 The manufacturing content is the most interesting part of your page. Just finished my Manufacturing Engineering degree, I like seeing your processes and how you decide to go about making my toys. 1 like
the1911guy Machinist by trade, I appreciate the behind the scenes stuff 1 like
thejoeeckelsisnthererightnow @laruetactical I live in Leander. Any chance I can get a factory tour?
  -  laruetactical @thejoeeckels ... You're getting an Instagram tour - ML 2 likes
ohioflier The hard work behind the glitz that makes it all happen.
republic_knives Keep it coming, some of us enjoy the shop stuff.
tonywilsoncik 20 years in injection molding. That is still sexy to me. I could do wonders for your process.
  -  laruetactical @tonywilsoncik ... You're thinking us hicks can't stumble into a recipe that's even close to right ;-) 1 like
  -  tonywilsoncik @laruetactical no sir, that's not it at all. I love what you do. Look up iMFLUX.com. It's a new technique to molding versus a standard velocity controlled process. Faster cycle times, reduced part weight, less scrap and a better part with pressure control vs. velocity control. We are converting the likes of John Deere and Mercury Outboard to it. Would be happy to send you some information.
  -  laruetactical @tonywilsoncik ... Send me that info, these here hicks can read too. ML 1 like