My guys are telling me "Boss, you're showin' 'em too damn much." Meh, jump on in, the water's fine ;-) ML
490 likestreylillich 😂 1 like
def3va Often copied, never duplicated... 3 likes
agw_fl 🙋
def3va Often copied, never duplicated...
  -  thiswildadventure @def3va except when you reply twice, in which case it's definitely duplicated. 4 likes
  -  def3va @thiswildadventure Sometimes Verizon just lets you down 2 likes
meatsweatsmike @laruetactical if that machine stays setup like that you should get some t-slot covers, they make clean up go alot quicker
bb4194 Baiting that hook aren't you! 1 like
ralph124c41 The more I see, the better I appreciate the design and construction. Thank you for the pictures. 5 likes
  -  laruetactical @ralph124c41 ... Thanks for noticing and your are most welcome. ML 5 likes
chrisgrandon Just installed my MBT-2S on my AR last night! Feels incredible. Can't wait to take it out this weekend.
maples14 @laruetactical buildar..... 1 like
frisco_rps13 This is what I like to see! As a gun guy and a machinist, this makes me happy 👌
jtac_tard As a machinist myself and a owner of a OBR I can appreciate these posts! 👍 1 like
mtn_breed As a machinist, I simply have come to the conclusion that the processes and final product are simply unmatched, at any price point. I'm always throughly impressed and admire the principle of quality that you put first and foremost in your approach to machining. Keep it up, we love the insight.
_taylas I want to buy a tranquilo just so my impatient ass can get a siete.
  -  laruetactical @python_actual ... Easy to do, just place an order and it's up, up, and away - ML