... Same MGU - and I've become a QMJ - a Quarter Minute Junky. Dang 5.56 bullets are so small they leave an inordinate amount of empty space showing between bullet holes, even when they are close 👀 This means we need serious accuracy to scratch that QMJ itch 🤷 ML
464 likescasey.mccune What ammo? Hand loads or factory ?
  -  laruetactical @casey.mccune ... I enjoyed your WPG posts. Ammo ? I was shooting McCourt 73 gr Bergers. McCourt is a boutique ammo loader, suffering supply issues right now, like all ammo makers.
  -  casey.mccune @laruetactical right on. No doubt your rifles shoot! WPGs are the best dogs perfect combo of house pet and hunting dog 1 like
magdumpmoravec What about 300blk barrels?
  -  laruetactical @magdumpmoravec ... Our 300BO barrels are made with the exact same care. 4 likes
  -  magdumpmoravec @laruetactical oooooo... bought a cheap bo pistol and have swapped literally everything but the barrel at this point lol buy once cry once
bowtechman1az Yeah, I shot a .167 with a 6mm. The group still looked huge.
  -  laruetactical @bowtechman1az ... Frustrating when you start saying 1/2" groups suck because of that "wild flyer" 😂 2 likes
sethurbanek True story: I ordered a 7.62mm PredatOBR and the next day I find out my wife is pregnant. Coincidence? I think not ... Now we will see which one gets here first 😆 1 like
kodiak_precision Your a little late for that valentines group... Starting early for next year?
esqphoto You all seeing the 🧡 shape here? 😂
zerodee30 🧡
danger.spike Do you shoot a fouler or is this coldbore + 2?
the_alpha_smurf Aww mannn why the triggers go up? Let me guess, "You know the thing." I miss Trump, ammo, gas, lumber and most of all Larue at a good price. F..U democrats!