... I hate it when they clean up so they stack more rifles in a row for me to shoot. No rest for the weary ... 🤓 ... ML
974 likeswilliambeppu You know, that's my dream job. I think it's pretty cool you personally shoot every rifle that leaves your shop. 1 like
  -  johnnybwildered @williambeppu they used to have a test shooter position. Idk if they still do or not. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @williambeppu ... My right hand is getting blisters 💀 2 likes
  -  williambeppu @laruetactical Well I like what you are doing with your company. One of these days I will buy one of your uppers. 1 like
  -  mdrumscarter what's your favorite bipod to use? thanks 🙌 1 like
  -  laruetactical @mdrumscarter ... That short Harris/LaRue Hybrid is the perfect height for my 100 yard tunnel bench. 1 like
jdg0707 We need these gun now more than ever! 1 like
  -  prosper.firearms @jdg0707 DM we have in stock
nhito Thanks for making the sub moa upper complete so affordable, win win situation 2 likes
mgarfias Clearly your life sucks 2 likes
jdg0707 Keep shooting! 1 like
illymost Any OBR's in there? 1 like
willkana SUURG!?! Please ! 1 like
sjmechanica Any chance to see tests on a 14.5" OBR?
  -  codyy05 @lj_guns are those 14.5's I see in the back?! 1 like