... And I shot this 5-shot group with that same 16" 5.56 MGU - Match Grade Upper ... and yeah, I choked here too ... kill me now 💀 ML
386 likeshackbarthmichael Are these the accuracy special uppers on your site.?
  -  laruetactical @hackbarthmichael ... Si 4 likes
  -  tn1822 @laruetactical Mark, are the accuracy special barrels a heavier profile than the PredatAR I own now?
  -  laruetactical @tn1822 ... Yes
  -  realhidaro @laruetactical I wish you all would start stamping those uppers with HBAR, so us marylanders could buy 'em lol. They're definitely a heavy profile!
ohsnapzombies Finally got out to shoot mine. Didn't have any fancy ammo but still managed just above 1 moa with crappy 55gr American Eagle and a 1-4x Steiner and bad eyes. 2 likes
billsnearly Don't look at the target! 1 like
siegrisj There's always one that gets away 😩 1 like
returnofnolan These rifles are easily like .25-.5 moa 1 like
stillsaltyaf_ 😮😮👏👏 I'm saving my pennies 1 like
sasquatch_nurph "Don't worry about that little guy."
josh.macintyre Hot damn!🔥
tac_weeb U suck