... the alternative is to buy a barrel blank from a "Top Barrel Maker", wait 16 weeks to get that barrel blank, then turn it over to a "gunsmith" to chamber it (with that one chamber reamer he has) and then he'll have to lathe turn it into a usable gas-gun profile, then gas it correctly without mucking up the bore. If anything goes wrong, then restart the whole process from the beginning. We're making 💯 3/4 minute barrels a day. Get on the LaRue Accuracy Train 🎯 ML
1,739 likestdwinn39 Any plans for 6mm ARC?? 2 likes
  -  wfodave @tdwinn39 6mm ARC and 6.5G; brothers from the same mother and so much better than anything else that fits in an AR15 platform.
  -  laruetactical @wfodave ... Kestrel doesn't care about how you push your bullet out
wfodave I got in on that sweet deal a couple of months ago on complete 16" uppers. I just slapped in on a SOLGW lower I had in the safe for an all-Texas rifle and going to see what it can do this weekend!
  -  laruetactical @wfodave ... Tease
  -  realhidaro @laruetactical How often do those AR complete uppers go on sale? 😮
dfdubyah I love my LaRue 6.5CM. Elite level rifles. People want to know what it is when they see it. I like to think I'm probably one of the few people in Massachusetts who has one. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @dfdubyah ... Speaking of Massachusetts, I expect the peaceful protestors to tear down the Paul Revere statues once they figure out he was just another white supremist, night riding over gun control. 7 likes
  -  dfdubyah @laruetactical most of Massachusetts isn't like that. Austin, Boston... All shit holes. Go outside the leafy liberal sanctuaries and they won't pull that crap 1 like
firstcoastfirearms Still waiting over 10 months 4 likes
  -  the_clipazine_cowboy @firstcoastfirearms lmao I'm at 16 months
trapshootb If you people don't want the best and know the wait time is long going into this please don't hesitate too cancel because there is some person that would love your spot in line a nd your rifle kit ! Have a good day 😊 2 likes
gunkid73 Would, but yall wont sell a 308 barrel to go with any of my already owned larue big bore receivers. Called, was told to pound sand. 2 likes
5thirty1 Just waiting for you to open up orders for the 7.62 UU kits and I'll be hopping on the train. Already bought the stripped lower for it and all. 3 likes
  -  yakn556 @5thirty1 got my 7.62 order last week (ordered 6 JAN). All in due time. 1 like
the_clipazine_cowboy On month 16 of my last order... 1 like
may_the_forst_be_with_u Psh, that's not true. Not manufacturer is putting out higher volumes of 1/2 MOA rifles than Larue lol 1 like
jason_r_ Sweet! I'm excited to get my UU 7.62 kit. I know it's going to be well worth the wait. It also looks like you guys are expanding/improving production capability, which is awesome!
the_sultan_of_sausage I remember the Father's Day pencil barrel sale a few years back. It was glorious.
frisco_rps13 My 18" stealth barrel is by far my most accurate gas gun, and shoots ~.48-.52 more consistently than the good behind the trigger
nocornerman Feeling blessed I only had to suffer for 6 weeks for this bad boy 🔥🙌
pvs31d #E3masterrace
jamccoy84 Do you have much in the AR-10 platform?
tom_rakip Hint hint. 7.62 MGU next Hint Hint
dunkin_dexter_and_dash In that case I'll take 2 complete rifles, are they in the shelf or I gotta wait?
disinclined_intellect S3 E7 ,, To qrq I'll be qq qq00 m xgw1🙌
signalmountainbuilders I need a lighter weight 14.5.
sea_shrimpz No argument your goods are outstanding.
  -  bradnewsbear @laruetactical what does the current lead time look like for the accuracy special uppers you guys are making?
  -  laruetactical @bradnewsbear ... Longer if I have to stop and go interrupt everybody for an answer. 9 likes
  -  bradnewsbear @laruetactical yeah, screw me for asking a question. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @bradnewsbear ... You don't need accuracy if you miss the point. 🤷 12 likes
  -  laruetactical @lsteffl02 ... My job is to man the ban button, and yeah, I've been slackin' on the job. 4 likes
  -  laruetactical @laruetactical ... Look there, I'm catching up 1 like
  -  duckhnt @laruetactical these young snowflakes have to be cuddled and talked to differently than most people you are used to. More hugs, more reassuring,.... But banning works even better 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @duckhnt ... I'm running out of ban shells, throw me another box !!! 7 likes
  -  the_angry_osprey @bradnewsbear I waited a month. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @reid_jennings09 ... After purchase ? You get it immediately. After getting in an order line, that's a different story. 7 likes
  -  wiley.mark @reid_jennings09 If you order a product from Larues website, you aren't charged until it ships. Some items are on the shelf, others are made to order. The website does not keep a live inventory.
  -  duckhnt @reid_jennings09 reading is fundamental my friend.
  -  laruetactical @duckhnt ... Meh, fixed. 1 like
  -  duckhnt @laruetactical I owe ya one.
  -  tom_rakip @laruetactical at $699, no less. I've paid more for Colt uppers! 2 likes