... Here's a great hands-on report on the nationwide firearm stuff backorder situation. It was posted in my recent "You can bet your nice Brass!!" IG post. I'm guessing PNW = Pacific North West 🤷 ML
760 likesgoochwhistle Single stage Triggers.. been waiting forever!
  -  laruetactical @goochwhistle ... "Forever" is how long it took Shilen to make my 6.5-270 back in the 70s. Yeah, I'm a plankholder. 💪 9 likes
  -  xdroptop @goochwhistle how long have you been waiting? I'm about to place a order with them 😀
  -  seaskihunt @goochwhistle more than worth the wait.
  -  mesooohoppy @laruetactical single stages please!!
  -  nelson_shooting_concepts @laruetactical is that like how long it took Larue to build and release the predatobrs? Plankholder 😉
  -  __seej @goochwhistle 10/10 handle my man 1 like
  -  goochwhistle @xdroptop too long haha single stage are sold out
  -  bland_jamesbland @goochwhistle I saw on reddit they aren't making single stages any more. 1 like
  -  mal1nis @laruetactical waiting till single stage can be ordered again from your site.
  -  goochwhistle @bland_jamesbland wtf, I hope you're wrong.
  -  bland_jamesbland @goochwhistle they said they got an email from LaRue saying so 🤷 1 like
  -  goochwhistle @bland_jamesbland lame. Last I heard they were "focusing on making 2 stage because that's what everyone wants" haha but that would make more sense.
danno06472 The attitudes are crazy to me because if you are old enough to own a gun then this is not the first buying panic you've lived through. Do y'all not remember the Obama election or Sandy Hook? 6 likes
threedogoutfitters The MBT-2 is awesome...current 6.5 build got one. u s 🤙🏽
hunt4dinner It took me months to get my 300blk kit from larue. Know what i did? I sat there with a smile on my face because i knew i would eventually get it. Dont wait for a scare to start your collection and you wont mind the wait. 3 likes
mattkarpowicz Just snagged a 2 stage trigger this morning off the site. Thanks y'all! Looking forward to it!
reviewthepew If you wait to prepare when the panic occurs, you're not prepared. I don't understand why people don't stock up during the slow times then bitch at manufacturers when they can't find anything during the madness. 1 like
shartgraves I learned patience waiting for my PredatAR back in 2012. Backorders havnt bothered me since! Thanks ML for an amazing product and teaching me a great virtue! Shit I just realized I never upgraded the trigger in that PredatAR. Another MBT it is. @laruetactical
josh.macintyre Probably works at Aero Precision. I almost worked for them recently. Money just wasn't there.
pbenson713 @laruetactical yell need any machinist on day shift over there? 2 likes
  -  rideonrideon @pbenson713 probably not the best way to get a job.. lol
  -  pbenson713 @rideonrideon figured I'd reach out to the mad in charge. Last time I went over there someone was supposed to reach out to me and never did. So who better to talk to than the man in charge of the operation!
  -  laruetactical @pbenson713 ... We're on the prowl for folks that don't mind being busy or working a few Saturdays. ML 5 likes
  -  charliesclones @pbenson713 looking for machinists and gunsmiths in Virginia 🤓
  -  alphabet_soup_is_unavaliable @laruetactical I'll move from Florida.
  -  pbenson713 @charliesclones governor there is to communistic for me!
  -  charliesclones @pbenson713 the socialist leaders are everywhere. We stopped most non-sense gun restrictions in VA this time, but it was with eight fingers in the dike. Next time, if we need 12 fingers, the dam will break. If we lose Virginia, we will lose the Country.
  -  pbenson713 @charliesclones your right! Its time we use our 2nd amendment for what it was intended for! To free ourselves from an oppressive government!
casadenewman The first aid kits "6" I ordered for the department are still showing back ordered for the almost a year. Had to buy elsewhere to fill the void.
eazedoesit Well my quad rail and trigger are on the way so I'm happy will be here tomorrow 👌🤘
txnorseman Maybe one day I'll be able to buy a 6.5 barrel/pst gas block for my OBR
taylor_lynn21_a That's a good problem to have!
dannymilkman2 Not even sweating it....receive my lower and mbt-2s for another build I will wait for my UU kit...nothing but love bc when that bitch comes in, its going to be fire and ima light that ass (range) up!!!!
mikenotgonnagetit Anyone that thinks manufacturers are just screwing around and not stocking things needs help....its nuts how fast things are selling out all over
bowersoxseth I ordered my trigger and also an ambi safety. Wait was minimal and both products are outstanding. People these days are too much into instant gratification and have ZERO understanding of supply and demand. I'll be placing another trigger order next month! 1 like
onsetarms Sure does! And shelves are empty here!
timmy_tomahawk Y'all done great with my latest orders.
wyatto1759 @laruetactical I ordered a 60 round Surefire magazine from y'all because they appeared to be in stock on y'all's website, but after checking my order status, I've found that it's backordered. What's the ETA on those?
jaredbaldwi Love your work. Fuck the haters
the_ceeeeg 🤘
oathkeepercoffee You are correct most likely Washington. That's what I always say being from there.