... This is making the rounds, author unknown. It stretched this Boomer's skills, but I did manage to make it postable. Of course the folks pushing for I.D. might also be the type that will gleefully spit on your cheeseburger ... so there's that 🤷😳
2,843 likesjohnbearross Always turn their own bullshit against them. It works. 8 likes
  -  arphoto_edc @johnbearross lmao no it doesn't. If calling out leftist hypocrisy worked, we'd have won over them by now.
  -  laruetactical @arphoto_edc ... "Just hand over your papers and things will go much easier on you ..." 3 likes
  -  johnbearross @arphoto_edc the time for winning them over or persuading them is over. I'm not interested in that. 1 like
  -  hughrerection @laruetactical some guys in Hugo boss uniforms tried that before I think . 🤔 1 like
thamuhfuckinjred Meth is a recreational drug ? 😂 1 like
  -  adri.michellee @thamuhfuckinjred it is in Oregon 1 like
  -  adri.michellee @thamuhfuckinjred it is in Oregon
  -  dillonwenk @thamuhfuckinjred it should be. You should be able to buy anything you want over the counter. It would save us tons of tax dollars.
zulusierra78 Rules have no power if they aren't enforced. But law enforcement has already proven they have zero qualms about enforcing unconstitutional edicts.
"juSt dOIng thEir JoB" "WE don'T makE tEh roolZ.
Australia already lost their damn mind with troops in the streets. 13 likes
  -  holy_guacamole710 @zulusierra78 every law enforcement agency in the country has enforced unconstitutional laws from the day they were formed. This is nothing new. Just too many people who think "my cousin's a cop and he wouldn't do that to me" or some other absurd bullshit. 4 likes
  -  andrew_wyler_david @zulusierra78 yup. Nuremberg should have done away with that defense 2 likes
davidjulier This is genius! 2 likes
maragullon 😂😂😂 2 likes
kodiak_precision Absolutely how this should play out if we are suppose to comply... 1 like
james_siler That is spot on! 👍👍 1 like
adamkristie 👏😂 1 like
fiesta346 I can't wait to visit a place and use this thank you 🔥 1 like
recon1212 Lol 1 like
afnkknives Lol 1 like
c_note_leather And is the manager vaccinated as well? Id like his past medical history also. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. 5 likes
roadapplesforge Don't forget to get the cook's info as well. 3 likes
matt_and_a_map And that's how I will be conducting business from now on. 3 likes
ohio_hooligan This is going to come in handy 2 likes
_karimhachem Hit the nail on the head with this one. 2 likes
billsnearly Perfection!
kkschiller I would love to take credit
craytonrubin 👏👏👏👏😂
c.medvetz Awesome. And thanks for using UPS cause fu@k FedEx
poseyk01 Perspective
dsarch56 🧡
guay.ron Life is a Gamble when you're out in Public
hoffroggegreg Smoked em'... Brad's freaking screwed. Lol 😂
cv1073 yes, simply, YES!
thebigred692000 Heck yes.👏
corbinmo Love this 👏👏👏
  -  tmcninney @daniellemcninney 1 like
  -  daniellemcninney @tmcninney exactly!! I'll you mine when you show me yours! 1 like
  -  jamie_the_bondsman @mchebrewhammer 1 like
  -  americanbeauty101 @tomtom
c_beene_15 Ooo this is a goodie
agencykane I'm dead 😂
qddmg 😂😂😂 perfection
gunnertwo Great idea!
will_dissent That is F'in w/ your food shit really happens ...
arphoto_edc "Ok that's epic and all but we're still not giving you a table. There's people waiting behind you." If the war we fight was about facts, logic, and intellectual consistency, we'd have won by now.
mjcg2000 As @dababy would say 😂🤣 none of them deadly diseases