... "We have a clean-up in Aisle Three Oh Eight ..."
908 likesarizona_twelve_sixtysix Bountiful harvest
ianmixon1 first world problems
tsuhobbs Send the address I'll be right there. Will clean and remove for free. Lol 1 like
dousan36 Put them back in. Still havent grown all the way.
jcutt28 Do you make left handed rifles?
  -  jcutt28 @dvcasey03 can you clarify boss. I'm new to the AR world and my buddy recommended my next AR should be a left
  -  clintyjay @jcutt28 all you need to make it lefty friendly is an ambi charging handle and safety. You could go full lefty and get one that ejects left handed and has the bolt catch and mag release on the opposite side too, but with rifles like that you run the risk of hard to find repairs since the parts are such a niche. I have left handed shooters in my BCT cycle who can run a standard M4 left handed so I'd suggest changing the minimal parts needed to avoid the maintenance nightmare. 2 likes
  -  jcutt28 @clintyjay thanks I appreciate that info
  -  justin5579 @jcutt28 if you're new to AR's, also a great thing to learn is shooting from your weak side, AKA, for you, learn to shoot right handed as well. It'll be tough but learning to shoot from both sides of the rifle can help in multiple situations. 1 like
  -  jcutt28 @justin5579 thanks for the solid advice bro 1 like
  -  chase_b4444 @jcutt28 Buy a KAC ambi lower. Expensive but well worth the price. 1 like
  -  quinndraz @jcutt28 or just get an ambi charging handle, selector and left side mag release done. 1 like
  -  jcutt28 @drazzle.dazzle appreciate it boss
  -  jcutt28 @chase_b4444 appreciate it bro 2 likes
  -  xdroptop @chase_b4444 or save money and get the LMT which is the same lower as KAC 1 like
teamtomlyn Beware of Brass Trolls! 1 like
quinton_wise Brass runneth over 😎
depredadorsolutions Hahahaaa, I see what you did there.
markfoss Anyway I could get a response to my email or ig messages? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @markfoss ... Yes, but you're in a long line. The ECR Election Covid & Riots have exploded demand and adding new folks these days ain't easy when they show up for an interview in a HazMat suit with wads of $620 bucks sticking out of their pockets. 3 likes
  -  markfoss @laruetactical just looking for a lead time, placed an order a month ago and haven't had an update since. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @markfoss ... Sorry, all hands are making stuff and packing boxes. Nobody left to run around in the midst of this ECR chaos attempting to guess when exactly something will actually be ready. But ... I thought I said that already.
  -  jcc2574 @markfoss I just received my UU and when I called in they told me 4 -12 weeks 2 likes
  -  markfoss @laruetactical tone down the salt a little, I spent an hour on hold trying to get through your call queue the other day only to be hung up on, I don't think asking for some sort of time frame is too much. 9 likes
  -  markfoss @jcc2574 Thanks brother, that's all I was looking for. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @markfoss ... Since plain english ain't sinkin' in, cancel and get out of the line. ML 16 likes
  -  markfoss @_joe_dave not trippin, just a question... No offense intended to anyone. I'm aware of the quality of larues stuff and I'm willing to wait. 2 likes
  -  jcc2574 @markfoss you bet! Glad I could help ya out. I ordered mine on 6/3 and it showed up a couple days back so it was actually about 8ish weeks from order to delivery. 🤙🏻🤙🏻 1 like
  -  pnw_precision what is it with owners these days playing the salt dog card like their customers didn't build their company. I get it you have a great product but is it hard to act like a normal goddamn person. "we've been very very busy and we can't guarantee a lead time" God that was hard. ML is getting up there with KB on douchery real quick. 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @pnw_precision ... Says the guy that hashtags Geissele on everything, including his baby's TommyTipper 🤪 5 likes
  -  pnw_precision @laruetactical ya got me man. How douchey of me to hashtag. Still doesn't explain whos got something up your ass that makes you go after people buying your product. Do you talk to people like this on the phone or in person?
  -  dreauxmire @markfoss Best advice I can give you is signup on AR15.com, then go to the LaRue forum. There is usually a thread on wait times. Guys will give feed back on when they ordered and when they receive, this gives you a good idea. Second, is as hard as it might be, just forget you ordered it. I have a PredatAR and a OBR, both times I ordered when wait times were long. I waited 6 months for each.
  -  markfoss @dreauxmire yeah I waited 6 months for my predatar back in like 2011, I really didn't expect this to get any attention 1 like
  -  dreauxmire @markfoss all good my man. But really if you not setup on AR15.com, give it a look over. These days I don't get much time on there and never really was that vocal, but read a lot and spoke a little.
  -  laruetactical @pnw_precision ... Buying my product means you're getting something, at a very fair price, that we here at LaRue knocked our nuts off to make. Doesn't mean I gotta swap spit with you. "Affordable Overkill" (TM) ain't for everybody. And whether I like it or not, all 100 % of my customers wouldn't make a good hunting buddy. ML
  -  markfoss @dreauxmire I used to frequent it a lot... Website kinda got a little abrasive for my liking so I still lurk occasionally 1 like
  -  markfoss @dreauxmire I used to frequent it a lot... Website kinda got a little abrasive for my liking so I still lurk occasionally 1 like
  -  pnw_precision @laruetactical I don't even expect people to bend over backwards for everyone you talk to and I don't believe in "the customer is always right". I've worked in sales, machining and manufacturing qc, but on the spectrum of normal human interaction it's like it's cool now to have a personality disorder.
  -  laruetactical @pnw_precision ... And right or wrong, the burgeoning "Cancel Culturist" in you can't help pointing out every time you've been offended.
  -  stephentemple5876 @laruetactical @markfoss I've had good luck emailing in to CS. My status update last week came 48 hours after I sent the request. They told me they have no ETA for the rail I ordered but suggested alternates that were available immediately. Good enough service in my book. The products have always been worth the wait.
  -  pnw_precision @laruetactical there's a difference between being offended and telling someone their being a dick. I'm Not going anywhere, I'm not so small as to let people, emotions or politics prevent me from buying something. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @pnw_precision ... Politics ? Hmmm, a Freudian slip at the dinner table ... did we just get to the root of your problem ?
  -  dreauxmire @markfoss I do get that. 1 like
  -  jeepgunning_20 @laruetactical don't waste your breath. I work part time for a shop up here in the PNW, and totally get where the irritation comes from. There is literally nothing that stays on self. We continue to get blown up about how our web sites not accurate, but as soon as something goes online it's sold and 50 people all tried to buy the one we had in at the time. Stuff don't last more then a few minutes too an hr and with every week a different product has different demand. It's crazy! Keep pumping out a great product and when shit get back to normal I'll make an order! Haha 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @jeepgunning_20 ... Then a voice of reason steps out of the crowd ... 💪u s 💯 1 like
bcarley204 Sure can see that XTRAXN chamber marks on the spent brass!!
tonymarazzo Nice!
charliesclones Great triggers 👍
r.bett @laruetactical I talked my buddy out of a SCAR and into a Larue 6.5 Grendel. Any chance more of those roll off the production line soon? 1 like
  -  r.bett @will_calloway83 waiting with anticipation amigo 😆
  -  laruetactical @r.bett ... Yes. What's the scuttlebutt these days on best ammo to routinely shoot good groups with ?
  -  r.bett @laruetactical factory ammo, I always hear to shoot Hornady 123 SST. For handloading, I'd look at the 120 Gold Dot or maybe the vanilla Sierra Matchkings for their respective purposes of hunting and target shooting. I'm a longtime member on arfcom and that's where I usually turn to. Mark is the man. 1 like
riley__patterson Can I buy some of that brass?
advancedshootinganalytics Is any of that 3006? Asking for a friend... my friend the 1919a4 and a6...