... I know none of us watched the Skeet Competition, but it turns out America swept the Skeet ranges and took Gold in Women's and Men's Skeet. I've broke 23 a time or two, but never 25 straight 🤷 In reality, I haven't shot that many rounds of Skeet but I enjoyed every shot. Check in if you've broke 25 straight 🔥 ML
1,568 likesnotyouraveragebrewer True story: First time shooting skeet, was because a lady I worked with was getting hit on, to the point of sexual harassment (touching her waist and attempting to kiss her without consent) at the local skeet range. Knowing I was a 6'3 250 lbs Marine covered in tattoos, she invited me to the range under the guise of being her 'boyfriend', and after hearing the story, I told her I wouldn't mind. I warned her that I had never shot skeet, nor did I own a shotgun. She said she would lend me a shotgun (Remington VersaMax) and all the shells I could need. So with my date, borrowed shotgun and all the ammo I could shoot I went to the private range she was a member of. When I got there I met the guy, total douche and snob, who was bragging about his $10k Caesar Guerini shotgun. I was like who the F**k spends $10k on a shotgun. I asked if they had a slot open, where I was then told this was not a shooting sport for beginners, and that I would need skill to shoot moving targets. Being an OEF War Veteran, I told him humbly, "I got no problem hitting moving targets". We loaded up and too my surprise the first clay comes out, I naturally point follow (lead) and bang it busted. I think hey this isn't that bad and at the end, not knowing there were 25 total, I hit 24 and he hit 23. He furiously slammed his $10k shotgun in the rack, and said, "A beginner, huh?!" I said, "Yeah, but you taught me an important lesson". He said oh, yeah what's that? I locked my bolt to the rear, gently put my $700 (peasant) shotgun in the rack and said, "guess you can't put a price on skill". Turned and walked away with my lady (for the day) in arm. Never messed with her again. 8 likes
  -  duckhnt @notyouraveragebrewer I totally was hoping he tried to kiss you after 24/25. 6 likes
  -  notyouraveragebrewer @duckhnt he damn well should've. 2 likes
  -  duckhnt @notyouraveragebrewer lol.. Well played. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @notyouraveragebrewer ... Highhouse Forum 😎 1 like
  -  notyouraveragebrewer @laruetactical what is this 'Highhouse Forum' you speak of? Have I finally made it?
  -  laruetactical @notyouraveragebrewer ... Not the same as PentHouse Forum😂
  -  notyouraveragebrewer @laruetactical 😢 and here I was thinking all those years of low budget films to get through college under the stage name Mike Honcho had paid off. 😂
the_sultan_of_sausage Uh...no. It typically takes me 2 boxes to kill a limit of dove opening day. The game warden that checks us every year, when seeing all the empty shells, said you are either hiding birds somewhere or you just suck.😂😂😂 1 like
  -  laruetactical @the_sultan_of_sausage ... LOL 😂😂
byrontabor Only ever shot skeet one time but I did kill 16 chukar on the wing with my longbow in a row one afternoon! 5 likes
  -  laruetactical @byrontabor ... Well, damn 😳
  -  byrontabor @laruetactical I normally only hear that when I take off my pants! 😂😂🤣
  -  _capt_obvious @byrontabor that just a damn of disappointment🤣🤣 But outstanding shooting with the longbow! 1 like
  -  byrontabor @_capt_obvious 😂😂😂😂 there's a video on YouTube if you get REALLY bored
  -  _capt_obvious @byrontabor I hope you're talking about the chukar and not you dropping your drawers
  -  byrontabor @_capt_obvious BAHAHAHA that would definitely not be youtube lol
  -  _capt_obvious @byrontabor dm me the link. I'd like to check it out
trapshootb Yep it's just like hunting! But they shoot International SKEET and Shit that's 💯 time harder it's Faster way faster . Gun down with a delay after you call pull ! They .. Make .. it.. Look.. Easy ! Its not 🙌🔥 3 likes
texasviking85 Does the nintendo duckhunt skeet count 🤔 2 likes
fire_arms_channel I break 23 all the time can never seem to get past that threshold 1 like
mandradetx 25 a few times when I competed as a teen. 1 like
evlgreg 23 club. 1 like
kodiak_precision How AWESOME is That !! Congratulations to our shooting Olympians !!!u s 💪u s 👍u s 🎆u s
roadapplesforge 23 is the best I ever got. 21 is normal. First time I got a whopping 3. Did win most improved shooter, our unit team came in second for the post that year.
dana_bp I've only broken 25 once and that was almost 40 years ago.
dante.lofthus 🔥
bugsbikes Hey hey hey...some...of us watched it lol it was awesome to watch
olinbond5 I have shot 25
jakes93yj I personally have a 100 straight with a badge to prove it, but that's back when I used to compete
jimmy_tyme Station 8 always seems to get me!
ptparcher Check!
jfpvh Yep ☕☕u s u s
travismcnerlin Never 25 straight. I do better at trap than skeet. I can typically get 18/19 in skeet and 22/23 in trap..... first time ever "real" trap shooting I shot two rounds, 22 and 22, with a rattley old M500 with a 30" barrel. Good enough to get invited to shoot on the sportsman's club team that season, and not invited back the next.
huck9279 Even broke 100/100 once or twice.
mr_sam_culpepper 25 twice on skeet and 4 times on trap back in my competitive days.
honorhilldefense ✅ But only once, guess it was a good day and I had a benelli. I can make a Benelli M4 Dance.
300blackout_ 75 straight here.
roy_munson19 Shot several 25's with a 30+ year old Remington 870 Wingmaster (not original barrel of course). Tried the other day and maybe laid down 16. Perishable skill for sure, but maybe I'll get back into it.
scootytang I have once. At the clark county range here in Vegas. Range master told me I had to shoot my hat and that was tradition so he threw it up and I shot it.
garrettbaisey 175 is my longest run🤷 that's American skeet. The Olympic games is international skeet = much harder game. Our skeet and trap teams tha competed in Tokyo did an amazing job.
duckhnt If they go pretty much straight away, left or right, I can do better with my ol wingmaster than most the old guys with their 20k Italian shotguns. If we are talking the ones from overhead, rabbits, coming at you, etc etc.... I'm like 2 for 25 or so.
winter_seed_and_ag_services I'm a consistent 22 at skeet, with a handful of 25's. I've got multiple 25's at the 16 yard line for trap. I am around 90 when it comes to sporting clays. I shoot one of those games every weekend.
  -  mark_133_navy @laruetactical ...........not skeet, but a clean on trap count? ✅ 25 here on trap....
  -  coreypeterson59 @laruetactical only every hit 24 at best but I was pretty damn good at trap shooting, hit 100 straight once and competed for Az when I was younger in the SCTP at nationals in Sparta, IL
  -  disner1 @laruetactical broke a fair amount of 25's in American skeet but international is a whole nother level!!!
jricks21 Many times. I've shot a few 49s but never 50. It's one of the hardest easy shooting sports.
quinnifft I'm pretty sure the US captured gold in every shooting competition...
jeremyhudson703 I've never had the opportunity to shoot skeet but I have done it shooting trap. Can someone tell me the difference between the two and where I can do it in Nevada?
davidewade 25 straight several times. "Happiness is walking to station 8 with three shells". Never a 50 straight. Did hit my first 35 in 12 gauge at the 2008 mini-worlds but ended up only shooting a 94 in 12 ga. Love shooting the sub gauges of 28 ga. and .410 bore.
zakkus_araylius 23 here
gunnar_watson 75 in trap 25 in skeet
jeffnetherby 25 a couple times
matt_and_a_map It seems we're pretty decent at hitting moving targets... 🤭
bruceshibley 🙌u s 🙌