New LaRue catalogs arrived - ML
593 likesozgood03 Welcome to the family, sister! Congrats on your daughter joining the best gun club in history! Semper Fi! 2 likes
byrdprecision ERP updating can be a real nut crusher.
mcgrubbs That is the best thing I've seen this week. Strong work, to her. I'm happy for you as well. 1 like
mk_all_day66 Welcome to the club, devil dog! 1 like
realmda13 No backorders? What will people bitch and complain about ML? 😂😂😂😂 Many thanks to your family tree for serving.
fireclean Hoorah. Great news Mark. 💪🏽 1 like
mark507 Semper Fi from one Devil Dog to another! Thanks for your service and stay safe!
vaportrailtactical Is this your daughter that used to break down Rifles at the shows? Awesome congratulations Marine!
  -  laruetactical @vaportrailtactical ... Yes sir, that's her. ML 1 like
36cabtx Semper fi! What's her MOS?
  -  laruetactical @36cabtx ... STS - Silent Throat Slitter 10 likes
phil.thompson.140 Going to be one hell of a good Marine!
jesslarude Oh dang what's up Sage. Your nieces are still going strong on active duty and I'm glad Sage joined us. 1 like
governorperry Verified Whooah! Well done, Sage👍🏼 2 likes
bcoppess23 What ERP are you implementing?
  -  laruetactical @bcoppess23 ... JobBoss - ML 1 like
bulletdurbin That's awesome that she earned the Expert Badge! Well done and Semper fi!
freakinout Semper fi!
robbie.horne.17 Semper Fi and welcome to the gun club.
legion_vi Congrats
notyouraveragebrewer Welcome to the family! Semper Fi! @laruetactical I feel a limited run OD Green Ultimate upper/lower (Marine EGA engraved lower) is in order to commemorate! Also send me serial number 1775! 😉
mckeonekert Congrats to both of you!
d.w.jones Semper Fi!! Ooh Rah!!! Very proud!!!!!
dominicanluc #Semperfidelis u s 💪🏾 u s
wonderbeard88 Since I inserted my foot into my mouth my other post and can't undo it. Well done and welcome to the family. Go forth and do great things. Make the world a better place! Best wishes from an old machine gunner.
  -  laruetactical @shitnipples03 ... Rah ! I fixed it for ya ;-)