... Sigh, my work never ends ... pew, pew, pew ... NEXT !! u s ML
1,050 likessuppressed_rage Could be much much worse. There could be a lack of interest. 🤷
  -  laruetactical @suppressed_rage ... "Only accurate rifles are interesting" - Col. Townsend Whelen 5 likes
  -  suppressed_rage @laruetactical Touché
tylerweaver777 How much extra would it be to leave the covers on?
  -  codycrafted @tylerweaver777 it's paper
  -  tylerweaver777 @codycrafted on the rails
  -  codycrafted @tylerweaver777 They're included on certain models
  -  techslater @tylerweaver777 these look like OBRs which come with the rail covers. You can buy them separate, although mine have been back ordered two months.
mig5569mm Need an extra hand? 1 like
hashtagjohnc Any progress on the SUURG 300 kits? Thanks again 1 like
jonnycashland Poor fella 1 like
mdrumscarter any gun stores in Florida stock LaRue?
wschulte402 We appreciate all your work sir 💪🏽u s
drfrenchjr Yea, yea it sucks to be you.. Not! You're so oppressed, try again. 😂. We all want to be you when we grow up!
laruetactical #
karl.koch.71 What model rifle on the left?