... Got a call from Team Nolo ... yep, it's that time again ... and no, not tonight, but soon. They wrote me a few of their current Nolotibles. I asked them to keep it pithy, but in short, damn lawyers never learned brevity's definition. For those of you that contributed to any of the other Nolos, thank you for throwing a well placed punch. 💪 ML
916 likesstevenmcclay6921 In
icecoldmn I'm in,I missed one round so far. If I can help it I will not miss another 🙌
dryman3 Why dont yall have any shorter 300 blackout barrels options in the ultimate upper kits? 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @dryman3 ... And whoa ! One's already popped up. If today's 1st graders spend the next 12 years getting themselves a mail-order diploma, well hell, I'll be 75 and not give a damn about who never heard of "hijacking" a thread. 🤪 29 likes
glkduck66 Say the word I'll be there with @kpatellos
they_call_me_gun Roger
sightsplusllc NOLO is THE MAN!! I haven't gotten in on the other rounds, so I'm ready for this one! 3 likes
barnegat16 Release at will!
jason211982 I'm new to the party what are we about to do?
  -  regantoomey @jason211982 about to spend $50 on something that's bigger than all of us fighting for whats right, 2A rights for all. 2 likes
  -  jason211982 @regantoomey hell yeah I'm in 🍻 1 like
  -  mk_n_it @jason211982 do you enjoy $50 magnetic bottle openers shaped in the state of Texas that both twist off and pry off tops while saying cool 2A shit and directly supporting lawyers who fight for our 2A rights? That's the train we're hopping on 🤘🏻 3 likes
  -  jason211982 @mk_n_it 🍻getting me a ticket
shartgraves May have to get in on this to go along with my Kyle/Littlefield tribute. Thank you ML! 1 like
  -  458_socalm @shartgraves no may, SHALL!!
charles_helm Nice! 1 like
wtsmith3159 I'm in
shqype_ My body is ready!
zombiemonkey336 I've got a few of those... I'll keep an eye out for the next round. 1 like
akscott60 Im ready
eadie.steve I'm in for Nolo!
trapshootb READY TO GO
whiskeyowlcoholic @laruetactical got my order in shortly after these popped up. Everything went though but I checked today and it's showing back ordered. Did I miss out?