... This is the point of a hypodermic needle. When I was a young apprentice toolmaker, the journeymen I worked under was a Vietnam Vet. From a toolmaker's viewpoint, he told me about all the shots the Army gave you before you loaded on the plane for Vietnam. That's when I learned about needles with nasty burrs😲 If you've come away from your phlebotomist shaking your head saying "never again", it might not of been him or her, it might've been the needle. You are the final QC for needles. Anyhow, I keep hearing about mandatory shots and it made me think of Vietnam. Enjoy your Sunday morning coffee ☕ ML
1,459 likeslasrt13 The Army told me if i didn't take the Anthrax shot in 2003 i would receive a Bad Conduct Discharge. The medic told me i was stupid to think they would give me an injection that might hurt me. Myself and my brothers have experienced strange things medically. Some got different form of cancer. Damn near everybody had children with some sort of birth defect. My daughter lived 24 hours. Her lungs did not develop. My son is autistic. Not sure if the mandatory shots had anything to do with it but this current forced vaccine talk seems a little familiar. I'm sure the government will apologize again. 12 likes
  -  laruetactical @lasrt13 ... Recently learned on OAN about "The Tuskegee 300" ... are you f'ing kidding me ?!?! 15 likes
  -  lasrt13 @laruetactical i retired in 2013 and still have my shot record. I understand the psychological warfare they are waging on the citizens. Some are being told to vaccinate to save lives. Others are doing research because they feel they would lie to know more about the shot. They knowingly pit the two sides against each other but it's just a show for what is coming. I believe Mandatory was the goal from the start. Just my opinion. I continue to pray for everyone. Especially my brother snipers and the manufacturers of solid American rifles and mounts. Haha. 9 likes
  -  jdburhoe @lasrt13 Were you ever given malaria medication for your deployment? Specifically Larium or Mefloquine? We had to take it when I deployed to Africa in 2003-2004. Horrible! Almost everyone in my company has lasting effects, never been the same. 3 likes
  -  lasrt13 @jdburhoe yes but I'm not sure what brand.
  -  c_eshenroder @jdburhoe sorry if its a touchy subject, so feel free to not say anything, but do you have any stories about Mefloquine? Ive heard some astoundingly memorable ones in the past from my friends
  -  jdburhoe @c_eshenroder Really strange and vivid dreams. Horrible nightmares. We also sent several guys home who became suicidal. It's prescribed to be taken once a week, the day of taking and after would be the worst. The psychosomatic symptoms it creates are endless. I don't have nearly as bad of a time as some other guys I know either, but it's definitely something I would not allow in my body again. 2 likes
parallax_error1 Had a friend over for dinner last night, 60, healthy, double vaxxed. Halfway through dinner he nods out, pissed himself, non responsive. Was about to start CPR when vitals appeared. EMTs came and took him away. Possible stroke. Scary shit. This was after a friend was almost killed Thu by an (ahem) individual in a Lincoln town car who jumped the median and hit him head on at 60 mph. If he had been in anything less than a 2020 F350, he'd have been dead. Driver and unrestrained child in back of Lincoln, both critical. The world is getting crazier by the day. 6 likes
  -  canadian.nate @parallax_error1 that happens at my place too but only when they've had too much to drink 😂
  -  parallax_error1 @canadian.nate Thats usually the case at my place as well, but not this time.
  -  laruetactical @canadian.nate ... I gotta put the salt shaker down. I had to read that 3 times before I busted out laughing !! Reminds me of the mom who looked at her inebriated son and said "Who puked on my boy ?!?!" 4 likes
  -  canadian.nate @laruetactical 😂😂😂
lineman7750 Well. Dr Colleen Boyle helped cover up the side effects of agent orange when brought into question in the early 80s. She went on to become head of a CDC division that over sees childhood vaxs schedules. Look at the rate of autism since her taking this posting and the rate of autism/ increase in vax schedule. I ve studied this immensely and can find no answers. Just down talking and ridicule for a theory. Correlation is not causation, but it makes one question. If there's questions cannot be answered then it should remain suspect 13 likes
  -  laruetactical @lineman7750 ... Uh, this thread is about high production sharpening of needles. 12 likes
  -  lineman7750 @laruetactical so to get off track just thought the Vietnam/agent orange/ injections was interesting data to include 2 likes
  -  willsmashu @lineman7750 you haven't studied shit. Autism isn't caused by vaccines. We just diagnose it now.
zakkus_araylius I have bought land down in Missouri to hide out in soon. This is getting real
  -  laruetactical @zakkus_araylius ... Is that where Bonnie & Clyde went ?
lectricduck I wanna know how Jenny Mccarthy has managed to squeeze her way through all this craziness..either she's gone back on the whole vaccines made my son autistic...or she has completely gone back on it ...either way I wanna know how she hasn't been canceled yet 4 likes
  -  laruetactical @lectricduck ... She stays busy depositing the checks 🤷 9 likes
lost_soul12151791 Fuck mandatory shots! If someone wants the vaxxxcine it's their prerogative but forceably giving jabs is going to be an issue. Have a great Sunday! 12 likes
agoristalex V//axxx your local politician 8 likes
pholubec You ought to produce some 'LaRue spec' needles!! 5 likes
  -  thecodystone @pholubec no. Production of UU kits and suppressors are way more important. 4 likes
bredfearn79 Before they make the shot mandatory to leave your house how about a LT129 in 34mm for those of us that have leupold RDS and don't want to use the vomit that leupold supplied to mount their optic.
  -  thecodystone @bredfearn79 you're aware the LT129 only has one ring? I don't think that's what you're looking for. Get an aimpoint like a man.
  -  bredfearn79 @thecodystone got one on my saint now.
  -  thecodystone @bredfearn79 of course you do.
  -  bredfearn79 @thecodystone I've had a comp m2 for over a decade. It has its original ratcheting aimpoint mount on it.
cj_thalion Actually true. A needle can even get burs if it's used to draw up a medication and then injected into you. That's why I'm a nice guy, and use a blunt fill needle then switch. (There are a few exceptions, but not many).
  -  johncholz @cj_thalion the exceptions when you draw up with a blunt and send it or when you draw up with a hypodermic and use it?
  -  cj_thalion @johncholz Never draw up with a blunt and send it lol. Sometimes draw up with a hypodermic and send it. Insulin syringes being the most common exception.
pi.stacheo Much less common now that needles arnt reused . I've inspected thousands of needles and can't recall saying o shit there's a burr I can see, I've seen needles with issues but never a issue with the pointy end that could be seen. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @pi.stacheo ... "Reused needles" ? 1 like
  -  pi.stacheo @laruetactical old school. They would re use needles, sterilize and sharpen, and massive burrs were a side effect. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @pi.stacheo ... E-g-a-d-s 😲😲 !! 2 likes
  -  pi.stacheo @laruetactical yea, pretty much everything is single use now.
  -  jonwaynetaylor @pi.stacheo I still find them very occasionally. Not more than a handful over the last 25 years or so, it saves the pt a lot of discomfort when one is found.
  -  pi.stacheo @jonwaynetaylor for sure, I always looked just never found one. I found bent ones and hubs with no threads though.
  -  jonwaynetaylor @pi.stacheo well that would be an issue!
griffmeister86 Now check the same pic after it's been used 1x, 2x, 3x 😮
pferretti1978 😂🧡
nurse_holliday Start making meticulously built needles.
dirtmcgurt_606 I've taken atleast 3 shots a day for 40 years. Some of em suck most don't. Hard to get every single one burr free
mryogafish Them and airguns
wild_man_dave This is how my eyes generally zoom in. No big deal
wpatertr This is why I always cringe when the nurses use the same needle to draw through the rubber stopper that they use to inject with smh
trapshootb Fuck ... Them... G men 1 like
goaliedave40 We got the pressurized liquid delivery... " Don't move" says the douchebag holding the gun as he swipes it over your arm..
  -  stevemakeen @laruetactical Plenty of dubious value mandatory shots & pills before & while we landed in Iraq,everyone seems to have forgotten the phantom WMD's & running around in rubber sweat smocks in 130deg in the desert , it is all in the fine print when you sign your life over to the Mean Green Machine .We went through all this BS back then .I did 8 tours in Iraq & Afghanistan & then worked a couple of years as a Contractor for Multi National NGO's, operating in crisis & conflict Hot Spots around the world,many the average joe has only just heard about like Mali & Yemen .Those couple of years had us calling the Health services/Aid/NGO's the "Disaster Industry"a self licking Ice Cream that makes the so called "Military–Industrial Complex" look like amateurs . 3 likes
  -  lineman7750 @stevemakeen really! tell me more please
  -  stevemakeen @lineman7750 Rather than derailing the post you can DM any questions if you want .