... The next 16" 5.56 did this 3-shot group. Brian Litz says to multiply 3-shot groups by 1.28 multiplier to know how it would've shot a 5-shot group. I liked that sexy 3-shot group just fine, so there's that. ML
639 likeshkump45carbine 100 yds..?? Asking for a friend.
  -  laruetactical @hkump45carbine ... Ask me how I know you didn't read all my posts today. 5 likes
  -  hkump45carbine @laruetactical I only read that one, not hating, just asking at what range. I can tell you for a fact, you guys know more than me. I would love to own one of your weapons, believe me, I follow you guys because I'ma gun nut.
longrangechile 🙌
longrangechile Nice group! What bullet 62s gr? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @longrangechile ... 77 gr FGMM 3 likes
  -  longrangechile @laruetactical nice
justinwivey 🔥🔥🔥
kurt_stl67 @laruetactical there you go again honing in on perfection. 2 likes
shaboonyitz Where is mine!!!??? Just a few weeks but feels like a year wait already!!!???
tonymarazzo How do you not love that? Awesome!
jameswyley Could you pull a 14.5 upper and shoot that might be the straw that breaks the camels back thanks @laruetactical
justgenit I like seeing Groups like that, so do you as usual!u s u s u s u s
vulcanrifleworks Looking to start developing a load for my 5.56 16" predatOBR. I currently have a stock pile of 69 matchking, thoughts?
9secz What kind of scope are you guys using?
  -  laruetactical @9secz ... NightForce 5-25x56 ATACR
outlaw_customs_wi Damn we need a bunch of LaRue stuff.👊
esqphoto @laruetactical - I enjoy the 100 yard groups like the next guy, but what impresses me how my 16 inch PredatAR can consistently shoot like 1.5 MOA at 600 yards. I'd love to see what you could do at longer distances.
canemovium My Larue ultimate upper 14.5 does that all day long with Hornady 53gr vmax Superformance and Leupold VXR 2-7x. Great rifles.