... Keto recipe - LaRue MRGG-A / 14.5" Pinned & Welded 6.5 Creedmoor / 140 gr Berger / 200 yards / Leupold 2.5-8 (sighted-in 3" high at 100 yards) / dropped him like a sack o' carb-encrusted taters 🦌 ML
1,278 likesblake_eisner What is the largest diameter bullet that can safely pass through your suppressor?
willdavisfishing @chatterbait610
apcapt Smoked Backstrap pics upcoming? 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @apcapt ... Did you notice my meat-preserving shot placement ? 😎 9 likes
  -  apcapt @laruetactical 👏 well placed sir, well placed.
thecodystone It's great to see the freeze didn't get all the axis. Damn good eating right there!
lui_v0395 Will these mlok rails be available? 1 like
etexag I thought that was Robert Earl Keen for a minute 2 likes
4rbrandt Will that upper/rifle configuration be offered at some point? Perfection
  -  laruetactical @4rbrandt ... Yes it will. We had to check all the boxes on the military's MRGG-A wish list ... and you're lookin' at it. 12 likes
mckeonekert As well as you shoot and the accuracy your rifles achieve I think one in the brain pan is warranted.
  -  laruetactical @mckeonekert ... The ranch said "hard horned" Axis antlers might fall off
  -  mckeonekert @laruetactical haha that's the taxidermists problem. I once shot a whitetail in the head only was a little high. Took off both antlers and stoned him. We have to check deer in here but didn't matter. I had an either sex permit. 1 like
alexschooler8 That looks like a real nice rifle gents 1 like
seanodonnell211 Plug and play barrel cartridge for the PredatOBR lineup? 1 like
seanodonnell211 PST gas block I'm guessing?
_rhettbaker Here again as part of the "please sell this handguard" crew 1 like
josh.macintyre Nice work! 🔥
miniuteman_model_works At least the scary machine gun isn't black....lol 😂
joe.shelby88 Good shot
sierra_actual 🔥🔥🔥 what kind of velocity are you getting?
  -  laruetactical @sierra_actual ... IIRC, 2,750-ish in the 20" 1 like
daveyelverton A little high... spine breaker, meat saver. Nice shot!
jlmick27 Didn't pay attention as to who posted this and I was like "man that Robert Earl Keen has good taste in rifles !" Lol 1 like
ntxcamo Nice shot. Congratulations
firstcoastfirearms Bout time a manufacturer like larue starting making a short barrel 6.5. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @firstcoastfirearms ... Ha, I only made one cause the military put out a wanted poster that said "Be at this location on this date with your version of a suppressed full-auto 14.5" 6.5 Creedmoor smothered in M-Lok, with a smile on your face" 🤷 4 likes
  -  firstcoastfirearms @laruetactical you are the man! Thank you for the awesome products you make.we cannot keep larue rifles in stock they sell that fast!
2dustyabner When can we tactically acquire them m-lok TOBR rails!😍
cnoteleo865 That is beautiful
_dumb_005 😢 1 like
upstate__n54 May I ask how long that barrel is when the van is off? @laruetactical
  -  upstate__n54 can*
  -  laruetactical @upstate__n54 ... 14.5" (pinned and welded) 1 like
  -  dexie010 @upstate__n54 14.5 1 like
chuckvlasek Are you using the 140 elite hunters? Thinking about going to those for my .260.
  -  laruetactical @chuckvlasek ... Berger 140 gr Hybrid ARs 2 likes
  -  chuckvlasek @laruetactical thank you!
800mzero leupold 2.5-8? Cause that aint no 1-8 Sir! Beautiful buck!
  -  laruetactical @800mzero ... You're right 2.5-8 and I like it. Needs moar coffee ☕