... Rearranging today to make room for Monday's truckload of the first four (4) new Haas VF2SSs of the sixteen (16) on order - ML
586 likesthedogeoftheyear I still think using Haas is a bad look on your shop since you're known for making better stuff than anyone using el cheapo Haas machines 1 like
  -  laruetactical @thedogeoftheyear ... Daniel Boone's rifle was made with files. 5 likes
  -  thedogeoftheyear @laruetactical And it must be particularly good since it was done by hand by a professional who checked every detail. Even Geissele, the high volume high profit shop that they are, and being known for a few machining errors, doesn't use Haas because they know they're bad
  -  laruetactical @thedogeoftheyear ... You got told something by BigTrigger, so you believed it. Me ? I got well over a hundred Haas machines, that I used to make my MRGG-S submissions with. So there is that. ML 4 likes
  -  laruetactical @thedogeoftheyear ... As my hand slides across the bench reaching for the ban hammer ... 8 likes
  -  arnetchris @thedogeoftheyear can you tell the difference between an in-spec part made on a HAAS, or an in-spec part made on an Okuma? 1 like
  -  thedogeoftheyear @laruetactical I don't know of BigTrigger.
  -  thedogeoftheyear @laruetactical But don't be another fascist boomer banning anyone they disagree with, please. We have enough of those. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @thedogeoftheyear ... I'm King of the Boomers. Now roll out of bed and take the trash out, Sir Gullible. 8 likes
  -  ungluck @thedogeoftheyear you're a fucking troll. Go choke yourself. Good machinist and engineers make good parts. Stop trying to pick a fight shitbird.
  -  meatsweatsmike @thedogeoftheyear Do you have much seat time with HAAS? I think they are fantastic machines, don't crash them and keep up on maintenance and they hold tight for many years. 1 like
  -  haveachoke @thedogeoftheyear 😂😂😂we regularly hold +\- .0002 on our Haas's. Any more accuracy required and that's what our Hardinges, Kerns, and Moores are for.
  -  kevinmichael_67 @thedogeoftheyear Is it the machine or operator error? Sometimes technology makes people lazy and unimaginative. 1 like
  -  nurse_holliday @gt500kevin hard to have an operator error on CNC. Much more likely to be a programming or tooling error. I'll second this man's opinion that by and large machines from other manufacturers hold tighter tolerances 1 like
  -  laruetactical @alphamikeneilshoots ... No they don't tighter tolerances, and operator issues are the biggest issues ... as in not consistently loading parts, or not correctly tracking degradation of tooling. ML
  -  nurse_holliday @laruetactical good points all around, in this region companies use marine proof vises to great effect. Most of the aero shops here like to have less than 1% of product fail QC and less than 4% of machines down. Every modern CNC beyond the absolute basic lowest shelf models can track your tooling for you, even refusing to run if the incorrect tool is loaded or the tool tip has run off it's life. There's no way you don't know this, you can prevent the operator error if you want. If you're talking manual machines, sure I'd give that to you but a skilled machinist, in my experience, gives too much of a damn to let that happen. A machine operator in the grand monotony of button pressing can surely be careless. We incorporate a lot of laser sensing on tombstones, vises, and sometimes fully automated material loading and lockout mechanisms. I don't know if the Haas line has such capability but I know Mazak, DMG, Okuma etc do. Haas is a fine machine, made in the US and all, and certainly there are VF7/50s that cut parts that go into space. I've done a lot of maintenance, installs, moving, aligning on a lot of machines and there is a reason I and others have formulated this opinion. I've seen more "that doesn't make any sense" levels of backlash or twist that won't untwist on Haas and Fadal than any other brand on new or freshly restored machines. By and large, across the product line. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @alphamikeneilshoots ... You're overthinking this and you're not seeing any of those other machines make and sell handguards for $10 an inch ;-) 1 like
  -  nurse_holliday @laruetactical but I am mark, I own 8 of those handguards! Certainly "tolerance" itself is subjective and in my experience of which I've fixed, diagnosed, moved, or installed over 1500 machines, the Haas has been the bane of the QA room. I can't believe you work this much, keep it up buddy it keeps you young! 1 like
  -  laruetactical @alphamikeneilshoots ... keep the chips off the toolholders 💪 1 like
  -  nurse_holliday @laruetactical keeps the coolant flowing 🦅 u s
agw_fl 🔥🙌🏼👏🏻😱🤤
everydaypeoplesigp365 Great to see you investing ML. Love to visit one day. #worldclassmanufacturing
divingdriver BIL works for Haas. Started as a tech now works in the office. He told me once if the machine wasn't working right it's because it wasn't programmed right. Keep turning out your great products. 👍
trapshootb DEAR RIFLE GOD Can You Pretty Please let me know when That Wonderful #7 Bolt Action Dream Weapon is going to be Released....😱 I have been going Kray Kray @ Home! Just ask my... Wife... So I REALLY.. REALLY NEED... SUM .. SHOOTING THERAPY WITH YOUR AMAZING RIFLE 🤗🤗🤗🤗🙁🙁🙁🤞🤞🤞
shotgunsandshorthairs Hope you are still making lowers during all this virus mess. Almost six months but I love my uppers so much I know it's worth the wait.
  -  laruetactical @trev054 ... Yep, forty a day and can't over-run the end of the backorder list. And Corona Fever is piling more on, and people are calling to bitch, acting like they haven't heard every box of ammo in America sold out literally overnight. 4 likes
  -  icecoldmn @laruetactical glad I pre planned and have enough larues to start my own unit,think once you referred to me as a whale.Not sure why everyone waits till the shit hits the fan to order. At least you are busy as I love to see larue successful.keep up the good work
kevin_pham1019 @laruetactical when will the American flags be back in stock and shipped? I emailed customer service and DM'd a couple weeks ago with no reply. Thank you 3 likes
  -  kevin_pham1019 @kevin_pham1019 @laruetactical I think you guys might top the worst customer service in the industry. Not even a reply... 🤦 1 like
  -  laruetactical @kevin_pham1019 ... Yep, worst customer service in the world 'cause I didn't shutdown the big machinery move today and answer your flag question. 5 likes
  -  rebelcollective @kevin_pham1019 I had the opposite experience. Recently purchased a rifle from @laruetactical and emailed a couple of questions. Quick and polite responses and it was delivered ahead of schedule. Couldn't be happier. Just try and show some patience and understanding while these companies deal with an unprecedented workload.
  -  pct_joshua @laruetactical dude don't be a dick
  -  kevin_pham1019 @laruetactical I placed an order weeks ago and was charged to my card already. The least you can do is give an answer to an ETA? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @kevin_pham1019 ... I seriously doubt your card was charged for a flag we didn't have in stock. 1 like
davidheasley Any ETA on MRO and mount order backorders? Haven't heard anything via email or phone for a week and a half. Thanks!
  -  laruetactical @davidheasley ... No
  -  davidheasley @laruetactical No estimation at all? Alright.
  -  realmda13 @davidheasley usually with the optics/combos it's the optic holding up the backorder. 1 like
  -  davidheasley @realmda13 I figured. Just spoke to Debbie in their office - super nice and very helpful. I know it's an insane time now, just was expecting some updates from LT. All good.
  -  realmda13 @davidheasley 🤙
kurt_stl67 @laruetactical I can think of some other machines that would be a nice addition 😉 1 like
miggidymurph @tbstech the answer is no son
bensonhawaii ETA on the Upper kits in FDE?
  -  laruetactical @bensonhawaii Dunno, but I do know we're hellbent on clearing the UU kit backlog. 1 like
richtact @laruetactical that's awesome! Happy to see y'all are expanding, especially 16 new machines! 😱😎👊🏻
phil.thompson.140 Christmas!
starcityshooter @laruetactical so can we now expect UU kits to ship in 2 weeks after order? :D
macman_lifestyle Hopefully your strong support of Haas will help Gunther Steiner and the F1 team this year.....whenever the season actually starts.
  -  laruetactical @macman_lifestyle ... They've asked me to come hang out in the corral, livery, pit ... when they are here at the Austin F1 track. I'll try to make an effort. ML 3 likes
  -  macman_lifestyle @laruetactical Wow!! What an amazing and unique opportunity. You're close enough that it wouldn't be to difficult to coordinate. You won't regret it!
rpmtool so thats wher eall the VF2SS went! I was eyeing those 40% off machines man what a deal. Yo u s nooze you lose I guess but glad the machines went to your company, I love your products sir!
pbenson713 @laruetactical out with the old in with the new or adding to?
  -  laruetactical @pbenson713 ... Stuffing 16 new ones in ... maybe out with a few of the old, after first cannibalizing them for parts. 3 likes
  -  pbenson713 @laruetactical nice! Theyll deffinately make some good chips! Need any machinist let me know. I'd like to come back someday.
michigan_great_outdoors Hell yeah!!!! u s u s u s u s u s
eichner_kev 🤘🏽
jayem0502 Awesome. we are looking at a DM2 next. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @jayem0502 ... I've put four (4) of the DM2s on my floor already. ML 3 likes
  -  jayem0502 @laruetactical Just starting out, we make aluminum Extrusion Dies and job shop work. So far we bought a VF2 VF4 VF9 and ST 10 all new, a used VF3 and 2 used Mits wire burners. last Friday we got a new Okuma Vertical lathe. FFL license is next.
stillsaltyaf_ Now that's what I call ramping up production 👍
unslicedmatt Do you get the probing options all your haas machines?
  -  laruetactical @unslicedmatt ... Negative. 1 like