... The Chiden Collective has officially posted it's demands. We're gonna need a bigger tragic boat👀 ML
1,032 likesfreakinout Time to end the fed
jealouscowbell November 8, 2022. 34 Senate seats and 435 House seats are up for election. Let's make it a day to remember.
keegan.asher I don't like the whole tragic boat idea. Why don't we just start using them for what they're for? 1 like
red_dirt_cyclist Fuck Jim Crow Joe! 1 like
brad_jackie55555 China & Russia are loving this.
brad_jackie55555 Isn't banning stabilizing braces discrimination against handicapped people & women/people who have less strength?
belts_for_breakfast Dude. Chipman burned kids and women alive in Waco.
tundrapilot001 Damn Sheriff this is a mess ain't it..
If it ain't it'll do till on gets here
james_siler These comments are frickin Awesome! 🤣😂
kmfit49 Looks like a bunch of nothing. The only thing might be how they'll see define a pistol brace vs. a stock even though the ATF (or AFT if you're a clueless person) has already done that.
guncrafter83 Lost my government in a boating accident. Fuck it.
treylillich I say start impeachment
ryan_brady23 Dimentia Dictator
chassyboy22 It's AFT
7.62sam Fuck it I'm putting stocks on everything and drilling 3rd hole.....they got my address.....come take it
  -  aftagent @7.62sam what kind of dog do you have? 1 like
cts304 So exactly whose pulling the strings on puppet Biden, is it China?
garandman13 So are they gonna ban all steel pipes that can fit a 12ga shell and nails? *cough* zip guns *cough*
jbmachine So basically these idiots are starting a fight with the largest gun owner club on the fucking planet. 1 like
bradley.mathis09 Time to party like 1776 1 like
slinky209 Impeachment 🙌
striker_sear_andgear How bout we create something different and call it something new like a peacock buffer warmer. I'm all over this......
grizwold8541 What are the odds a "ghost gun" with a pistol brace will be used in a mass shooting now?
fireclean "Papers please" goons 🤡 are gonna feel extra special when dudes start putting braces and VFGs on their actual SBRs. Especially if they have to wait 30 minutes for someone to find their Form 1 in the shooting bag.
woody.wilcher Make everyone a criminal and you have a sure bet that communism is right around the corner,,,, but don't do anything or speak out ,, just like the Jewish people did for Hitler ,, it coming
hughes_waterfowl_systems It's already gonna be a giant cluster with dimentia joe spouting demands.
doallyado2 Well he actually said the "AFT" didn't he. 😂
gakzreid Seems like a whole lot of tyrannical government activity to me
tycatalone How about we just lose politicians in a boating accident instead? There's less of them to lose.
danno06472 How would a brace ban even work? You're going to force everyone with an AR pistol to get a tax stamp?
may_the_forst_be_with_u "Noone's trying to take your guns."
fischermotorsports The only thing we need boats for are to put gun mounts on them... F this "lost them" weak position. 1 like
jonnygrizzle Might as well put stocks on all my pistols, then.
mikenotgonnagetit Braces are not sbrs....seriously our president is a damned potato.
bucksnboarsnbeers The NRA and how many other organizations will tie this all up in court!!!??
desert_joe We gonna just stand for this???
chuckharris1836 Nullification
johnny.556mm Nothing but bureaucratic bullshit. Democrat states will bow down.
charlescalabresejr Basically Hitler all over again.
gom358 Will this mean the Justice Department will finally investigate Fast and Furious? I hope. Biden and Obama will both be in jail.
heyyy_ryan Wow this is about as half assed as one could make it. This is essentially saying "idk do sumthin"
texasviking85 Lost all my guns on a VOTING accident is better 😂
salerno1263 The only lives saved by Biden and Harris will be the criminals lives not law abiding citizens. These people are all morons a gun has never ever killed anyone or anything, the evil person holding the gun killed. A gun is Merely a tool that can be used for good or evil depending on the person and their intent
countrymama2435 Model law? Something tells me in Texas at least it'll become just another paper target at the range. Or kindling.
bourbon_bastard So basically nothing new except the nomination of a bat shit crazy anti 2a lunatic to run the ATF. As soon as he's confirmed, class 3 paperwork will slow to a crawl. 1 like
rxnemo can't close that pistol brace box now. what a shitshow.
wenzel747 So the firearms trafficking report should include the aft and their illegal activities
wenzel747 Oh and red flag deez nutz
mr_20k_man How many goddamn recycled laws and rules are they capable of?
con_eric Firearms trafficking? Hmm I think they tried that with the fast and furious and look what happened there 🤷
gunnerarmsllc Leftists are evil
billsnearly If I had any guns, I'd keep them at the top of the stairs so Herr Groppensniffer couldn't get to them! 🤣 4 likes
  -  jfcooper1911 @billsnearly Going on record right now... lost all mine in a boating accident. 1 like
throughshade13 I'm curious to see if the gun trafficking report will mention fast and furious at all. 1 like
michaelsmith9405 It is time for the citizens to bring all tyrants to heel.
troymclure85 I can hear people already typing up the lawsuits
bdclone Yall need to quit this boat accident bullshit. I have never owned a boat and never intend to. 5 likes
double_barreled_337 What state doesn't mandate background checks at gun shows?
  -  2a_geardeals Our "54'nd" state of Imbicilia
lincolnlogga Problem he and the DOJ will run into is that the GCA of 1968 already plainly decides what is a gun and what is not. Also what is a pistol and what is not. The DOJ is not an executive branch that can change, ammend, or create laws despite the desperate wishes from the left. This will be short lived and struck down in the courts promptly unless the DOJ comes back and says nothing changes the rules are already plainly established. The ATF appointee will never be voted in (for the reasons they've been without a filled seat for years).
theleglesschef_ I didn't know that the justices department was in the business of producing legislation?? For some odd reason I thought we had a constitution that states the legislature makes our laws???? I could be mistaken tho?? 5 likes
askani79705 The justice dept reporting on arms trafficking, 😂
salerno1263 Ya before we have to install floatation devices on all of our firearms 🤣😂😅🤣 3 likes
they_call_me_gun All aboard 1 like
theroadaheadofus Wait, you messed up. I thought Joe said it was the AFT?! 🤡🤡 14 likes
  -  laruetactical @theroadaheadofus "Americans For Tragedy" - the boat's name 25 likes
guns_and_meats_and_stuff What if we put the government in the boat and lost it instead? 22 likes
  -  iratus_omni_tempore @guns_and_meats_and_stuff - "We lost all of those America hating politicians in a tragic boating accident." 🤣🤣🤣 6 likes
  -  johnny.556mm @guns_and_meats_and_stuff biggest threat to American health...." government " 2 likes
t4r_snow_tank u s 1 like
jealouscowbell I hope they finally address evidence based ATF gun walking under Fast and Furious in that annual report. 13 likes
  -  hamsrob @jealouscowbell now that's funny 3 likes
brandent1 I bet thousands of otherwise legal AR pistols get m4 stocks slapped on them over the next 60 days. 20 likes
  -  laruetactical @brandent1 .... Wait, I make stocks 💯 27 likes
  -  thecodystone @brandent1 and the 3rd hole. 3 likes
  -  icecoldmn @brandent1 why ?that would make them illegal sbr's I say checkmate I'm not changing shit the government allowed sold and registered as a pistol 1 like
  -  brandent1 @icecoldmn because who gives a fuck anymore. Liberals allowed trash to burn down cities but can make me a felon over barrel length? Fuck it
stephencrews There is going to be a giant mess in this country if they try to go backwards on the pistol brace thing. 36 likes
  -  laruetactical @stephencrews It will be hard to tell one mess from another 🤷️ 17 likes
  -  kingclayton36 @stephencrews why? They already did it once with bump stocks and made millions felons over night. The precident has been set unfortunately. But it was" just a bump stock who needs one". 4 likes
  -  mikecheckmike @stephencrews Grandfather, not to grandfather. Ban, not to ban. Confiscate, not to confiscate. The clown show must go on. 5 likes
  -  shooter_mcswag @stephencrews you cant be serious, they have already done it before on the exact same issue. Nobody did squat. 2 likes
  -  fordeater exactly! Mags, braces, bumps.... they worst that will happen is people will cry and talk shit about it......again. 1 like
  -  stephencrews @fordeater let's hope the primary reaction is to not vote for those folks anymore. 2 likes
  -  stephencrews @laruetactical for the future of our great nation I hope it doesn't escalate to "one big mess"
  -  stephencrews @mikecheckmike if confiscate clown show turns to shit show pretty quick (general opinion of populace, I prefer to Form 1 and avoid confusion) 1 like
  -  trevorreust @stephencrews no mess whatsoever when you do you and don't get on the radar 1 like
  -  stephencrews @trevorreust agreed! 1 like
  -  46wlf46 @stephencrews most probably didn't in the first place.
  -  ws7z @stephencrews that's the whole point. The goal is not gun control. The goal is chaos and social disruption of gun owners.
  -  biggunner81 @stephencrews We need a mess so we can sort this out and gain back our freedom...
eroc.sd Well if a brace makes a pistol and SBR might as well just put a regular stock on it and drill out a third hole anyways huh? 13 likes
  -  texannebraskan Do you have a bunch of auto sears bc the 3rd hole is useless without an auto sear?
  -  eroc.sd @texannebraskan like I'm going to tell some guy on the internet I have auto sears... haha. Nice try ATF 2 likes
  -  texannebraskan 😂😂😂😂 1 like
  -  atelgin If you're going to be a felon, don't half ass it is all I'm saying. 2 likes
freedomseeds9000 Proposed rules? So not really rules then? Just political grandstanding? 6 likes
sandy_dog_09 Hey fake president, shove it.
hamsrob Who the fuck is David Chipman
  -  glhouse4919 @hamsrob he's a POS former ATF agent that works for Gabby Giffords gun control organization I believe 4 likes
  -  mbh091 @hamsrob anti 2A guy. Heard he likes my little pony too 3 likes
  -  countrymama2435 @hamsrob A fox in charge of the hen house 1 like
  -  jfcooper1911 @hamsrob He is the ATF Nut that claimed the Branch Davidians in Waco shot down two Texas National Guard helicopters with a Barret 50 Cal. Only it never happened. He also believes all "assault weapons" should be banned BUT... WE should be afforded the right to register what we have as a Class 3 and pay for the stamp...I'm sure an FFL would have to hold the gun and I am sure there would be such a backlog we wouldn't see them again for year. He also works for Gifford's.. a real fair and impartial choice...RIGHT 2 likes
  -  nicodywill @hamsrob some cunt who let's other dudes plow his wife. 7 likes
jasonk7474 What till they see my list of demands 4 likes