... Ammo report - just shot some great groups out of a TranQuilo'd 14.5" 7.62 tOBR. Shot that high left bullet, then 4 in the hole on the right. RUAG .308 167 gr. Styx. Has a big honkin' hollow point tip. ML
624 likesholsterco_llc And "Outstanding stopping power" 😂 1 like
  -  laruetactical @holsterco_llc ... Ha! Ya made me look !!
txmerica Any idea where we can get some? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @txmerica ... No idea. A .mil customer sent it and said "Make sure the rifles will run this stuff." They do. ML 3 likes
c12dg_llc Nice choice. RUAG ammo is the truth!
hitman79_actual Pretty work sir
yorick_drd I'm in touch with the French RUAG team, if you want I can give you their email. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @yorick_drd ... Thanks, but I checked the boxes, as I was told. 💪 1 like
jealouscowbell @ laruetactical Question: Recommendation on hunting scope for western mule deer/elk in 300 win mag with budget 1k or less 1 like
  -  laruetactical @jealouscowbell ... Budget ? Anything with a crosshair. Sight it in 3" high at 100, dead on at 300, 8" low at 400, and 2 foot low at 500. Carry a rangefinder. ML 5 likes
notyouraveragebrewer So your barrels have expensive taste? 😂
icecoldmn Nice shooting,I like the fact that your guns shoot so many factory loads so well. Not a fan of RUAG after the bs with prime but do respect they seem to put out a good product
gusgonzalez @tejasprecisionshooter
apatrick_ltz @mattpolchies
him72984 Calloused trigger finger.
ozman_23 It's as if you were hitting the g-spot 😂
tylericenogle What distance?
  -  laruetactical @tylericenogle ... 💯 yards 1 like
djrppvt 😍🔥😍🔥😍
txplumbing Seems like you have extra time on your hands, can you please help with answering emails, I can't get any information on my order.
  -  laruetactical @txplumbing ... You're observant so you should have also noticed Corona fever has set gun sales on 🔥. If you're observant enough, you'll have read that I have 16 new Haas CNC mills inbound. As for when exactly any one item is going to get the final finishing touches put on it during the Great Gun Rush of 2020 maelstrom, I won't be able to accurately answer that. Our plan is to come to work and help who we can, machining as many components as we possibly can, knowing some folks don't / won't have the patience for uncertainty. It is what it is. Sorry for not warning everyone that life on Earth is dynamic. ML 2 likes
geaux_tigers409 It's good Ammo. Just wish Ruag wouldn't have screwed over Prime Ammo. After hearing about that, I'll stick with Prime! 1 like
  -  laruetactical @geaux_tigers409 ... Yeah, well, I don't recall hearing both sides of that story, so I'm going to be minding my own business ... ML 5 likes