... "Mark, your C-Note - here's my first range report.
I grabbed one of my new C-Notes along with a LaRue SUURG in 6.5 Grendel (that was still in the box and no optic yet acquired).
I used my range at the farm as there's plenty of man size steel targets to hit, but something else had the same idea.
Almost stepped on this Copperhead, but instead dispatched it at 4 foot with the C-Note. Overall, I would say you can acquire targets faster than a snake can strike. Post snake I hit a man sized silhouette 10 of 10 shots at 100 yards. The rain pushed me out before any more testing but that was enough to see that your C-Note is a winner👍"
"Did you hit the snake using the C-Note ?"
"Yes, was 1 step off.
I almost stepped on it. It was a damn close thing."
... First Blood ... 😎 ML
350 likesbayou_bengal_rifles Why not just use normal iron sights? 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @bayou_bengal_rifles .. Because there were none on the new-out-of-box LaRue rifle (this was a reading assignment). LSUJon, I know guys from LSU and they all have great critical thinking skills. What went wrong in your case ? 2 likes
  -  bayou_bengal_rifles @laruetactical there was a c note on the new-out-of-box larue rifle? but why not just put irons on it?
  -  laruetactical @bayou_bengal_rifles ... He did put irons on it ... a C-Note is irons
  -  bayou_bengal_rifles @laruetactical but why cnote over normal irons?
  -  laruetactical @bayou_bengal_rifles ... The C-Note is the fastest form of irons, and it's QD, and comes sighted-in ready to fend off a home invasion. 1 like
  -  bayou_bengal_rifles @laruetactical what distance are the cnotes sighted-in at?
  -  laruetactical @bayou_bengal_rifles ... On LaRue rifles and uppers, it's 1 to 2" low at 25 yards. I can't seem to miss a LaRue chainbanger we have sitting at 85 yards.
  -  laruetactical @bayou_bengal_rifles ... I see you bragging about being an ARFcommian ... guessing you came straight from that C-Note thread in GD. Go ahead, spit it out ... give it your best shot😎 1 like
millennialgrunt Everyone will beg for a C-Note after an EMP strike🤔 2 likes
phamtasticguy This looks like a great solution for my new SCAR 15P. Low profile and no extra weight or awkward angles to get caught when pulling it out of a backpack. Another great product. Speaking of, are you guys going to produce more SUURG kits? Or at least the suppressor cover at some point. 1 like
david_shipp Are the SUURG's going to become available again? Been wanting one for years. 1 like
  -  crdavison @david_shipp agreed! And why has this dude never shot his or have an optic for it yet? I finally gave up waiting and just got a MGU. Been asking this question since Covid
  -  laruetactical @crdavison ... We are not a gargantuan operation. There's about 150 of us and we work out of a 100K square feet. For most of the last two decades, both directly and indirectly, we've been building LaRue QD mounts for the U.S.Military ... in volume quantities. In between, we've become a premier rifle maker, building virtually every component in-house. I tell people if they want stuff from us that shoots, to get it on order, as we never know when the sh*t will hit the fan again, and we'll be back to making high volumes of QD mounts hand over fist. 1 like
  -  david_shipp @laruetactical can I call and get one on order? Lol😂
eslaught Anyone tried it on a shotgun? I imagine it would function just fine. Would like to see it though 1 like
  -  laruetactical @eslaught ... Not sure if we have a scattergun with a picatinny on it 🤷
  -  ufgators68 @laruetactical i do. Send me one for testing.
codyy05 When will more SUURG be in production? 1 like
skippypeanutbutter38 Have that snake the good bonk with a shovel