... And here's our rendition of the MRGG-A ... Mid Range Gas Gun - Assault. 14.5" 6.5CM / 7.62 switch barrel * Full-auto match trigger * takes 1.5 minutes to change barrels * LaRue Tranquilo QD can * tOBR handguard for speedy barrel changes * M-Lok, cause they said so, some Ambi stuff, cause they said so, etc., etc., etc., cause they said so. Ours is not the reason why, ours is but to do or die. Enjoy, ML
1,332 likes_rhettbaker mlok tOBR handguard for sale? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @_rhettbaker ... No, I need it to stay on that demo rifle. 4 likes
  -  icecoldmn @laruetactical but the Cnc is programmed already,please hit the button and run a batch. I'll gladly pay the 10.00 per inch😂 5 likes
  -  _rhettbaker @laruetactical I'm sure I'm not the only one who would jump at a mlok 308 tOBR rail
def3va And soon to be copied by a German company in 3...2...1...😂 4 likes
  -  c12dg_llc @def3va Imitated, yes. Copied, no. 😏 3 likes
txmerica Take our money 💰 1 like
parker_gay_ Noice
800mzero Want that! 1 like
csolstice032018 Bad ass! I will wait patiently for an opportunity to own one!!
sailorripley55 Is it possible to marry a weapon? I would like to ask for your grip in marriage. 1 like
moore_taco_blanco OHH. EM. GEE......Becky......
josh.macintyre Sell us one please! 1 like
  -  josh.macintyre @muh_name_bocefus eat a dick 🙌
bell.jacob Hey Mark you think I could get you to send me one of those Tranquillo cans? It would look good sitting on my 14.5 UU kit.
billsnearly I'm hoping "they" picked the optic and bipod too. They chose poorly. . . 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @billsnearly ... I was demoing that rifle full auto at 5 LaRue Chainbangers set at 25 yards. That EOtech is a rare one I have leftover from when I was working on a new mount before EO got sold. Project died with the sale. It was perfect for mowing into Chainbangers. As for the bipod ... GFY. 9 likes
james_siler That is way Cool! 👍👍clus 1 like
damien_5.4 When are triggers shipping out ?
  -  laruetactical @damien_350obs ... Every day.
46wlf46 We should be able to buy these. Complete 2A infringement. 1 like
lsxus__ Is LaRue going to discontinue building the most controversial rifle.....the AR14? 2 likes
drew_edson Just got my ultimate upper way ahead of schedule it's awesome thank you. 1 like
a556nato Ribbed for her pleasure
cts304 Great job, troops down range would be lucky to have that setup 1 like
parabellumgenetics_ 🔥🔥🔥👏