Heh, heh, I had the toolroom wire EDM a lower in half to give you guys an inside look at a 5.56 lower. More of my "Looking behind the curtain" series, enjoy - ML
612 likesdrewboooooo That could've been my lower, but noooo.... let's cut one in half 🤣🤣 5 likes
  -  codycrafted @drewboooooo 2 weeks 1 like
  -  jim_zeigler @lowspeed.highdrag Wooo yeah son. My UU's been languishing in the safe, waiting for its lower half.
mikeb945 I would call that a lower, but what do I know?😜 4 likes
  -  limeswire @mikeb945 lol i completely missed that 1 like
  -  laruetactical @barsstoolsports ... Ha, so did I 1 like
akscott60 That's awesome. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @akscott60 ... It's hard to see the fine details in my phonetography pic. ML 2 likes
limeswire That tolerance though!
josh.macintyre You guys make the tightest fitting receiver set I have ever laid hands on. Top notch machining. 🔥🙌 2 likes
usmcsean53 Can I have one like that?
46wlf46 Curious how long that took? My only experience with an EDM was 7 or 8 years ago at the cc machining class. The machine was donated by a local business and worked very well, but it took days to run single parts. 4 likes
  -  laruetactical @46wlf46 ... Google "What's time to a pig?" 6 likes
  -  46wlf46 @laruetactical good one👍
tonyleal84 Really cool. I'd put that it a badass frame and display it.
peglegracer Are these 40% lowers?.. -I'll see myself out-
justn84 The LaRue SplittAR🤷 1 like
mumfordandguns ATF be like, still not properly destroyed
  -  laruetactical @mumfordandguns ... you made me chuckle :-) 1 like
tony50cal_ Now for an encore, wire edm an assembled rifle in half.
  -  laruetactical @tony50cal_ ... loose pieces inside don't conduct - ML 1 like