... An agency asked if our LaRue MRGG-S 6.5CM upper would drop onto their M110 lowers. Piece of cake. Before shipping it, I proof-grouped it on an SR25 lower (for my own piece of mind). ML
1,121 likesnelson_shooting_concepts When are the predatobr barrels coming in 6.5cm😢 5 likes
txmerica When can us mortals buy the MRGG-S upper? 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @txmerica ... First, I gotta wait until Sgt Major Uncle Sam is thrilled with it. 💪 12 likes
stetsonamericanhorse Status on tOBR 6.5 barrels? 4 likes
  -  preston2986 @stetsonamericanhorse in for one, have the 260 too 1 like
  -  stetsonamericanhorse @preston2986 what do you mean? Like you want one or you've placed an order for one? I want the tOBR barrel kit in 6.5CM.
  -  preston2986 @stetsonamericanhorse I want a 6.5, have the 260 already 1 like
edog1375 So close to placing an order for an upper kit in 300 BO. Tell me something to seal the deal please....
  -  captnjack @edog1375 buy once, cry once 1 like
  -  jb__hunt @edog1375 put the order in and just wait it out. Last pic on my is my 300BO larue. Wish it was a 1:5 twist, but gets it done. Never had a failure through 2k rounds of supers subs both suppressed and unsupressed.
  -  edog1375 @jb__hunt thanks! Wonder what the wait is like these days
quartertonner Boy, it sucks to do your job.....I guess someone has to do it. Might even be a candidate for Mike Rowe's Dirty Jobs, getting Sharpie Marker stains on fingers, maybe some powder residue, cleaning solvents, etc. I'm sure Mike would be thrilled to walk a mile in your shoes.....I know I would be. All kidding aside, impressive things seem to happen on a regular basis at LRT!👍👍👍 1 like
81tactical Fits like a glove
icecoldmn Let's get some MRGG barrels cranked out for the tobr guys. I'm waiting on 6.5 and the 338 federal you talked about years ago. Hell even a 243 might scratch a itch 3 likes
gordo_operador Just ordered my 6.5 UU this week. Can't wait til it gets here. Then the lower!!!
instructorbrian Boy I would've loved to have a LaRue rifle when I wore combat boots. Thank you for taking care of them ahead of the rest of us. They deserve the best. Now if I can just get the ATF to release my tranquilo. 10 months and counting. 2 likes
ahnward Pump out those QD mounts please!
  -  ahnward @austinmcdavidexplorer 😭
meatsweatsmike Your legs have to be seriously tired, or really frickin strong always kicking ass the way you do! 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @meatsweatsmike ... After seeing it group right abdca little low ... on the 2nd 5-shot group, I sorta aimed at the top left corner of the 1" x 1" white center ... 1 like
james_siler I got to get me a LaRue!👍👍cl
canemovium How is accuracy compared to 6.5 siete? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @canemovium ... About the same. My youthful 63 year old eyes have reached a "nothing smaller than a 1/2 inch" state. 6 likes
dreauxmire MRGG-S?