... Subliminal Keto pic of the day - ML
548 likesbigmacnj 😯
the.dmeier Counting on all of us spending that Trump check with you?? Lol ususus
bland_jamesbland That's a lot of triggers sold. I got 3, will probably convert the wife's Mil-Spec too. 👍 1 like
dave_mariotti__ Congrats man, Made in the USA means more now than ever! 3 likes
reedbrun When y'all hiring.
tjmango Totally spending my Trump check on a 6.5 Grendel UURG and Lower 🤷 1 like
stevenmcclay6921 The backlog is dwindling 🔥 1 like
kodiak_precision Sweet buy!!! I like the reminder as well. Let's eat!
agw_fl Wat to support USA companies Mr. LaRue!!!!!!
meatsweatsmike Nice haul man, I'd love to see a vid when they are all operational and running at the same time!
jjfitter6176 Trump check headed your way for 308 upper kit and lower! 1 like
  -  laruetactical @jjfitter6176 ... Now that we are kicking ass on both small and large lowers, our Ultimate Upper Kits are finally coming into their own 💪
  -  jjfitter6176 @laruetactical that's awesome! I inquired just before the zombie apocalypse and was told 6 months out which took the wind out of my sails. This post is revitalizing!
2ndvette Any desire to make a 6.5 creedmore in OBR (heavy)? I keep hearing how good the round is, and why not put in the best version.
txspinylizard 😃😃😃
chlv0ter 💪💪usus
unslicedmatt Only a machinist would come up with the idea to wire edm triggers. You do the 2 things I love, cnc and guns
trailer_park_ginger Ordered my Upper kit the 19th. I can't wait to have the LaRue quality at my doorstep
calebfuller8 How long of a backorder is there right now? Looking at getting a 308 obr 18" 1 like
  -  laruetactical @calebfuller8 ... Hard to say, we're getting drilled with new orders, but we got 16 new Haas mills on the way, and ... 1 like
pbenson713 @laruetactical got any 1st shift opening?
pbenson713 @laruetactical got any 1st shift openings for a machinist?
pbenson713 @laruetactical got any opening for a 1st shift machinist?
alpha_phil15 Great news! How are y'all doing on CAN mounts and LAT rails? Seems like as soon as y'all got caught up on those, they got backed up again.
classifieddefense @laruetactical hopefully you'll start making 2.26" centerline mounts so I can start buying all my stuff from you again!
  -  laruetactical @classifieddefense ... I was the first to do that, years ago, when some guys using "Short-Dots" wanted them jacked-up to clear their PEC13s (iirc). ML
  -  classifieddefense @laruetactical you make it I'll convert everything. My theory is to also have a notch cutout so you can see irons through the mount under the dot.
  -  laruetactical @classifieddefense ... Naw, that's going "Full Boomer" 1 like
  -  classifieddefense @laruetactical can I pay for your services and sell them under my brand then? Lol! It will be our little secret
masterofchaos82 Can't wait, been pulling mad overtime in this crisis. Using it to buy an Ultamite upper kit for 3 gun as soon as FDE is back in stock
spiche1 thats alot of Haas! 1 like
jakewirtz Only sixteen?
  -  laruetactical @jakewirtz ... Yeah, 4 per truckload ... my OCD kicked in. 3 likes
dagger852 👏👏👏 that's how we do! Great news man!
gospencer1 @laruetactical congratulations! Does this mean my Larue 1911 or 2011 is getting closer to being in my hands? 4 likes
  -  laruetactical @gospencer1 ... Ha, yes it does 💪 12 likes
  -  gospencer1 @laruetactical thank you sir! We talked at Shot Show 2 years ago and i tried to prepay for a Larue 1911 and 2011! Appreciate all you do Mark! 1 like