... Freshly pinned and welded 14.5" 5.56 UU Kits ... might oughta check your LaRueMail 😎 ML
1,670 likessquattyneanderthal @laruetactical are there any stealth sniper system uppers going out sometime in the near future?
  -  jordanlrick @squattyneanderthal or a 13.2" quadrail.
whisk3yshoots 😍😍😍
get_jacked__ One day I'll get that email😍 4 likes
  -  thedaveivy @get_jacked__ same.
kevinmichael_67 300BO?
isplityourwig No email 😔 Been waiting since 12-14-2020
ballisticallychallenged Super pleased with mines.
ryanpatrickmac What's the turnaround time looking like right now for PredaTOBR's in 6.5? Ordering one soon
  -  tacticalchop @ryanpatrickmac quicker the sooner you order lol 1 like
  -  russell_richardson_ @ryanpatrickmac probably 10-12 months
  -  ryanpatrickmac @russell_richardson_ might get the suppressor before the rifle 😂 1 like
  -  russell_richardson_ @ryanpatrickmac lol probably 😂 I ordered mine a couple weeks ago but don't expect it till Christmas.
jb82sc So much hope and then so much disappointment 😔
paul.wilkins.5815 Send me mine please.
jack_haber Mark, if you order an UU with a 12" Stealth barrel, is there a shortened handguard that accommodates that vs the 13" MLOK?
mstilley14 7.62 OBR's from July?? Any word on the turnaround? @laruetactical 1 like
  -  ludwick9736 @mstilley14 July 10th 2020 is when I ordered my 7.62 obr complete. All they are making are 5.56 ultimate uppers.
  -  mstilley14 @ludwick9736 well crap. I ordered two on 07-29-20. Looks like no light at the end of the tunnel.
  -  laruetactical @mstilley14 ... I got eyes on 👀 and there's hellacious light at the end of the tunnel.
  -  mstilley14 @laruetactical That is the best news I've heard in a long time.
  -  ludwick9736 @mstilley14 there was a guy earlier that ordered his 5.56 ultimate upper on 3-11-21 and received it on 4-8-2021 so what does that tell ya.
a556nato What about just 14.5 barrels? I ordered two months ago.
metallicasma 🇺🇸😋😋😋 us
connelldad Seven. Six. Two. Milli-meter. 😎 1 like
brutus_custom_coatings Got my email today 😮😮👏 mf'er
timsulli58 😋 😋 😋
exarkun_40 Mark, want a 6.5 grendel upper to go with my 14.5 5.56. Don't see an option to order just the upper on the site. Can I call and make that happen?
scoobyranchllc I'm at 3 months for a couple of triggers and others at 4 months... Kinda funny ML measuring dicks with G over the years but no one is waiting months for a G trigger. We will see if new reported lead times are met or if money goes elsewhere. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @scoobyranchllc ... Hmmm, I bet I could stay caught up with what few orders I'd get if I was charging $250-$400 each for $60 triggers. 3 likes
  -  scoobyranchllc @laruetactical I have triggers from G, KAC and you. G has lost my business because of shenanigans. I'm not gonna wait 6 months for a couple of triggers either. I'll go to a Wilson Combat trigger that's got just as much love as yours or G. Seeing as my order with you is still standing we will see if you can meet the time line that was reported
  -  laruetactical @scoobyranchllc ... Seeing as you'll take any trigger thrown your way, I suggest you cancel now and take a nail file to the one in your rifle. 1 like
  -  scoobyranchllc @laruetactical seeing as you have no idea how many rifles I own or in the middle of building you make an assumption of taking any trigger thrown my way. Especially when all my triggers are a Larue or G, minus my KAC guns that came with a KAC trigger. Was your comment conceding triggers won't be within reported time lines?
  -  laruetactical @scoobyranchllc ... Why wouldn't I have an idea of how many rifles you own after you named off how many triggers you have and how many you'd readily accept if only you can get any one of them in the middle of the EC&R Gun Rush ... Election,Covid, & Riots ? 3 likes
  -  scoobyranchllc @laruetactical this is getting fun, Mark. From taking a comment of manufacturers I've supported with trigger buys (without indicating exactly how many triggers of each I've bought) to using the 'ECR'. For the record, you have loyal buyers who've been waiting over a year for a fucking product from you. Is it a testament to your professionalism, your quality of parts or their own cocktardry? No comment on that reported lead time being full of shit? Kinda like a Siete winning a PRS event?
  -  laruetactical @scoobyranchllc ... I got a lot of great folks here steadily making crazy good stuff at a steady pace. We're not cutting corners, ever, and for that we inadvertently created more demand than our Keebler elves can outrun. So, uh, damn 4 likes
  -  scoobyranchllc @laruetactical I can respect that response, Mark. And I'll keep my order with you as I respect your quality and lack of price gouging on a very good trigger. Now quit pissing in the wind with me, it's windy as fuck here, and keep them machines turning.
juice405 I feel like back in the 80's the kid that didn't get picked for the game lately lol I'm new to it and it stings, thanks for humbling me one day at a time
jaronscarbro Ordered and will receive my 14.5 P&W UU within the same week. You guys are incredible. God bless Texas 1 like
  -  laruetactical @jaronscarbro ... Shhhh, the planets aligned. 🌌 1 like
  -  timschoenhals @laruetactical I ordered this exact thing.... 14.5" P&W but unassembeld a couple of months ago. I'll give you a $20 Whataburger gift certificate if you just throw it all in a box and get it sent! :)
  -  shugwhiteboy @laruetactical What's the timeline looking like for the 16" UU kits? 1 like
eadie.steve Keep checking my inbox for an email! But then I remembered I need to order first..
pviddy214 Received my 14.5 P&W and upon opening the plastic rifle case (what other companies send you a freaking rifle case with your purchase?! AWESOME) I was greeted with the orchestral genius of Hans Zimmer playing and a blinding light that caused temporary disorientation. Needless to say, when all the fanfare subsided, I was in the presence of a upper receiver milled to perfect geometric specifications that only Michelangelo would would be envious of. Not one single scratch on the whole upper. Thank you ML, for being the ultimate Fudd Lord of Accuracy.
gunner_texas_03 😍