This LaRue QD mount specimen can be seen upstairs in the awesome museum on Parris Island. ML.
1,037 likeshostile_eliminated I miss my USMC days. 3 likes
wyatto1759 ^Property of US Taxpayers 👌 us 3 likes
texash17 I think there's a mount in the National Infantry Museum as well.
lmorgan97 I've seen it. I'm from Beaufort. The island over 1 like
tex21475 Phenomenal specimen carried by a phenomenal #Marine 2 likes
  -  tap_rack_bang @tex21475 what's the story here? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @tap_rack_bang ... The story is there's a Marine in the LaRue family now and I'm here for her graduation from bootcamp. ML 27 likes
  -  lolowaikoa @tex21475 for those of us not informed, care to clue us in?
  -  tex21475 @lolowaikoa Mr Larue summed it up. Outside of that, the mystique is in sacred, gallant traditions earned through tireless servitude 1 like
thesumotherguy Having had an ACOG in similar condition. The zero is maintained but that glass is trashed with scratch's us 🤟 2 likes
  -  bigjake_ham @thesumotherguy still good until its cracked lol 1 like
josh_goes_pewpew Thats gotta be a cool feeling.
quinton_wise Semper Fi!
oudeboontravis I've got the same set up. But different scope. Love that AR 2 likes
nickshandy When i was stationed in San Diego and Camp Pendleton, we had these phenomenal LaRue mounts. Never had an issue. Now we have these garbage TA51 mounts. Come lose all the time.
mckeonekert Tell the marine congratulations from me!
cne7son Heck yeah!! My trigger finally shipped!
89tbones Errah
bigjake_ham @laruetactical they have one over at San Diego mcrd as well 1 like
usmcpete @laruetactical Any idea what end plate that is?