... And here's the still shot. One of you young whippersnappers needs to man the F up and run all ten rifles/groups on OnTarget #1-#10 - ETA - I'm gonna stick my neck out and bet this feat is never equaled ... ML
458 likesdef3va We don't have a range in our backyard. 😀
  -  cpl0313 @def3va I do.
  -  def3va @cpl0313 I'll be right over...
  -  cpl0313 @def3va come on. 1 like
meatsweatsmike If I drive over to you, can I play? lol
meatsweatsmike Or come over to AR and we can shoot at my place 🤣
topshotdustin Verified That's pretty cool to see. 2 likes
longrangesurfer #5 group is phallic. 2 likes
booneballistics Wow, just wow! Well done!👏
  -  laruetactical @booneballistics ... As you well know, that was ten (10) different PredatOBR uppers paired with ten (10) different randomly indexed LaRue 7.62 barrels with all 10 rifles shooting on that one target, all inside the grid even !! 1 like
  -  booneballistics @laruetactical exactly!
mac_daddy62 Just saw the latest news on Guns and gadgets, Texas is the next gun haters target for elections coming up! God I hope your state hasn't been flooding With illegals who fraudulently vote for crazy gun hating Liberals. These women wearing red T-shirts for moms demand action, and every town seem to be showing up at every state capital in the country. Someone needs to fight back against Bloomberg's millions he's spending, or end/persuade his interest in it? https://youtu.be/qgNknvDw0XI 1 like
  -  laruetactical @mac_daddy62 ... You're in the LaRue forum, ergo, you're preaching to the choir. 😉 8 likes
  -  mac_daddy62 @laruetactical I know 👍 One can only hope the people that see your posts spread the word. 😚
9secz Just ordered a 556 obr can't wait to see what I can do with it 1 like
mattson39 Was #1 zero'd?
  -  laruetactical @mattson39 ... Bingo ! Yes it was. And that's why I got flash lucky, as all the others hit to the right of it. ML
  -  mattson39 @laruetactical thanks mark - always appreciate your posts
icecoldmn Awesome guns and I'm pretty sure the shooter has his shit together too
  -  laruetactical @icecoldmn ... I just lean a little more on the trigger right when she's floating close to the middle.
kodiak_precision Roger that .. headed that way! Good shooting my friend!!
kodamurphy Great demonstration.... considering barrel runout alone as a factor. This is pretty amazing. Hell of a testimony to your manufacturing consistency. I wrote you about your suppressors repeatability months back from can to can. But, this is next level.
  -  kodamurphy Exclude #'s 1, 4, & 9. YIKES.