... I'm using same can and same QD scope on ten (10) 16" 7.62 rifles ... with same point of aim, shooting one 5-shot group (100 yards) from each rifle without touching the knobs. Why ? To show part to part consistency. Looking good so far. ML
1,238 likescoladonato18 Do you personally shoot every firearm before it leaves the plant?
  -  laruetactical @coladonato18 ... No
  -  justcoelho @laruetactical do you personally shoot each plant that comes into the factory? 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @justcoelho ... I personally fly each plane, but alas, they are all single engines monoplanes. 3 likes
  -  justcoelho @laruetactical I prefer nilplanes. But their range isn't very good
akroadscholar Im learning alot. Thanks👊
c3clinton How much does the bullet change point of impact at lets say 100yds with a can compared to without? Or without touching the scope will the bullet hit in the same place with the can as without?
  -  laruetactical @c3clinton ... That's a few IG posts back.
  -  c3clinton @laruetactical oh- I will google then.
fenglerf1 "HaAs MaKeS bAd mAcHiNeS" 😂 1 like
  -  laruetactical @fenglerf1 ... 😉 1 like
joewbyrd @laruetactical My LaTue QD mounts on my LaRue 6.5 Grendel have made me money at the range by betting that I could remove the scope, re-mount it and maintain the same point of impact. Great products!
cyborg_ninja427 I love your products and your company. Keep up the great work 👍
mac_daddy62 👍 Awesome
volsaturday I want cool looking numbers written on mine. I know how to write, I just don't know cool numbers. 7 likes
  -  laruetactical @volsaturday ... Nice, made me laugh 🤓
  -  wejustclicked @volsaturday 🤣
eadie.steve Nice!
alpha_phil15 Hope that MRGG-S evaluation is still going your way.
  -  laruetactical @alpha_phil15 ... It's still on track 💪 1 like