... Going over today's 20" 6.5CM 5-shot 140 grain Berger groups. Had 1 wrongly marked 0.640" ... it's actually 0.500". Heartwarming Labor Day story ... us ML
461 likes18zepplin Insane 1 like
thestacheplays Ha, listening to a podcast and scrolled by this right as a guy named Kevin Owens was bragging about the OBR 6.5 + Berger ammo combo, small world. 2 likes
  -  givemeliberty0311 @thestacheplays Kevin Owens from @fieldcraftsurvival ? 1 like
  -  thestacheplays @givemeliberty0311 Yes sir, on @mritland 's podcast 3 likes
  -  givemeliberty0311 @thestacheplays that's a great dude right there. I've got a lot of respect for him.
  -  thestacheplays @givemeliberty0311 listening to him makes me want to go train... a lot. 1 like
  -  givemeliberty0311 @thestacheplays agreed. I like his style, he makes extremely valid points with regularity, and it's impossible not to find what he says relatable and relevant.
cleric300wm Man I wanna support your products but I have been on the phone for over an hour just to see if something is in stock.... maybe go work the phones for a bit or have a website that shows true inventory... 1 like
  -  laruetactical @cleric300wm ... Roger that ... soon as we chip and paint the floors. 1 like
lynchedtoo Time to play with seating and tighten that up. Even though that looks good already.
  -  laruetactical @lynchedtoo ... It's factory stuff and I don't get a vote 🤷 1 like
  -  lynchedtoo @laruetactical well, it's amazing what that caliber does with the factory stuff. That thing will shoot whatever you feed it. I happen to reload for mine, can't go wrong either way.
tacticalrainmaker Miss my OBR
jnoahheafner Just ordered my first LaRue today, looking forward to seeing what the 22" 6.5 AR can do!