... Yep, EDM'd extractors ... nope, not fast, but damn sure accurate AF 💯 ML
749 likesdustinstapp Accurate air force? 1 like
dkoenig1134 Stack a few plates with great flushing and a rough pass and your good to go! Maybe 2 passes depending on thickness and accuracy. 1 like
justn84 🔥😮
esqphoto @laruetactical - do you guys happen to have a recommendation on when to replace one of your bolts? I've got probably 4K on mine and I just replaced the extractor spring and the gas rings still seem good. Just curious on your thoughts on service life. Thanks in advance. 1 like
- tacthiccalfun @esqphoto a milspec bolt should last 20-30,000 rounds. Your extractor spring should not have been worn at such little use. 1 like
- eagleeyeltd @esqphoto Get your life together and quit asking stupid questions on Instagram. 2 likes
- esqphoto @jpquinn1776 - Thanks for your help genius. You are absolutely awesome. Have a great day! 2 likes
- laruetactical @esqphoto ... And always clean the chambers ... as dirty chambers don't aid extraction. 1 like
- esqphoto @tacthiccalfun - Thanks for the info. I thought I saw a post that LWRC was recommending for a duty use gun to replace every 3k which made me wonder since a failure to ejects required a change out. 1 like
- laruetactical @esqphoto ... Failure to eject doesn't require a change-out. It does require getting the cleaning stuff out. 3 likes
- esqphoto @laruetactical - Thanks for replying. Much appreciated. I, for one, can surely do better on cleaning. Odd thing was this happened on a new build. I used two different bolts and one worked and the other did not. When I changed the Extractor Spring it was brittle and broke coming out so I thought it was overdue.
- laruetactical @esqphoto ... "New build" ... What LaRue stuff was in this new build? 1 like
- esqphoto @laruetactical - Sorry for any confusion. It was not a Larue build. I put together a Wilson Combat upper/lower with a Rosco 10.5 barrel. I tried it with my Larue BCG and the round would just lay on top of the magazine. I used another bolt from BCM and it ejected the case at about the 4:30 direction. After changing out the spring, the Larue BCG worked but the ejection pattern was like the 1:30 direction. I get the same ejection pattern from my Larue 12 inch upper - when suppressed with a Tranquilo.
tom_rakip I love seeing these pics from the manufacturing process @laruetactical !