... There's no such thing as too much EDM ... and it's my answer to everything. "Let's wire it." ML
1,200 likesamericanrecoiladdict @laruetactical F**ckin smart ass 😂😂😂😂
blck10th Wire machines make life much easier. It also has killed some of the skill to do things though. But it's fast and accurate. No denying
aussiedogs4life I tend to think of it more like an electrified band saw with a very tiny blade 1 like
alabama_reloader Amen brother! 1 like
jayem0502 Getting ready to order my 3rd wire burner. Looking at sodick over Mitsubishi this time.
    seaskihunt @jayem0502 Sodick for the win. Most accurate, repeatable, and durable wire machine I've ever had the pleasure of working with. Sodick's high speed mills are also fantastic.
zerocnc EDM > 1 like
niuwai Very nice , thank you ⚡ 1 like
46wlf46 A man and his EDM like a boy and his dog. Hand in hand🧡🧡us 1 like
shermybob @laruetactical the best way to work inconel
baldirishmonk "You could do it better with a hacksaw and a nail file" -some idiot in the comments probably
mikenotgonnagetit EDM is so damned cool!! Such a cool process and the results are better than any CNC work I've seen
    seaskihunt @mikenotgonnagetit EDM is usually still CNC😉
    mikenotgonnagetit @seaskihunt referring to traditional cutters and or milling style CNC work. Cutters always leave behind tooling in marks and or a burr that'll need to be removed etc. EDM not so much
jssmith70 Been working with EDM for a good while now but it never gets old. It's the highlight of every VIP tour that comes through our facility. 1 like
the.necro.maker I sure wish you guys were into hiring future vets with short attention spans and child like enthusiasm for guns, like me 2 likes
goosepaint I mistakenly bough a hogan 308 right after the pof split. Plenty of problems with the gun except for accuracy and awe factor everytime i look at it #edmeverything
dkoenig1134 Couldn't agree more. I love running wires
the_doug_and_erin_oil_show That's pretty cool
suzuki_doug That's badass and can't be done on a milling machine. Lol #imnotworthy #imscum 👍👍😂🤷 1 like
    hatchhilliard @suzuki_doug explain
secondstoryguy I've read there is danger of altering the heat treat of smaller parts with EDM. Have you guys had issues with this? 1 like
    laruetactical @secondstoryguy ... So, don't use that barrel or bullet ? 12 likes
    mosin_gunner7.62x54r @secondstoryguy only on the very surface, it will not effect through hardness, but if you back off the overburn it will have less effect on the surface hardness too 1 like
    jkedsnake @secondstoryguy In the Aerospace industry most parts we come across where there's a great opportunity for an EDM solution to machining a feature we also seem to find a flag note prohibiting it. The most common reason is the cracking and scale on the surface. A friends EDM shop have found a solution to mitigate those reasons, and I'm sure he will take it to the grave with him. 1 like
    secondstoryguy @jkedsnake My sources were from the aerospace field (guys that worked at JPL) in the early 2000s. I was really into building "hard use" 1911s and at that time the industry was plagued with shitty MIM parts...EDM was a better answer but surface cracking was an issue.
    jkedsnake @secondstoryguy we make a bunch of parts for JPL, they are not EDM friendly 😝 1 like
    secondstoryguy @jkedsnake So if money is no object what's the best way/process to make small hard parts like trigger parts and extractors?
    jkedsnake @secondstoryguy I doubt that EDM discharge affects parts like triggers and stuff that does not go into outer space or parts on planes that have such force combined with temperature extremes. I wish we could just EDM more things.
    seaskihunt @secondstoryguy the HAZ (heat affected zone) produced by most EDM processes is negligible.
    harkentriptych @secondstoryguy for super tiny features/parts, EDM is one of the most accurate way to go. It is a super slow method of cutting, but it is really accurate. If you flood it with water/coolant, it won't affect the heat treat. The company I work for uses EDM wires and sinkers on heat treated parts all of the time after we have treated the parts.
sp.arks991 I love these pics you do, it is cool to see the bullets seated and what it looks like in the barrel. Thank you for the pics 2 likes