... 29,000 followers us Just 971,000 to go ... 💯 x 💯 x 💯.... And I didn't get y'all by running multiple trolling rigs with triple- hashtag hooks. 🎣
1,285 likescharliestrickland93 Yalls two stage trigger is awesome and a good price. Also have a few QD mounts from you guys that a great. Keep up the good work
boomsticksndiesel Would be awesome if someone would respond to the multiple emails/voicemails I've left about an order I placed 3+ weeks ago. 5 likes
  -  laruetactical @boomsticksndiesel ... Would be awesome if someone watched the news and knew about the ECR's Great Gun Rush of 2020 (Election Covid Riots) 35 likes
  -  onlyonebuild @laruetactical 👀🤔 1 like
  -  mmmhoppy @boomsticksndiesel 🤦
  -  brotein_shakes_ @laruetactical Really? A snarky response to a customer that wants to discuss an order they placed weeks ago? Nice. 4 likes
  -  jaredrhilton @boomsticksndiesel I emailed them last week about my order and got a response the next day 2 likes
  -  longrangesurfer @brotein_shakes_ I can only compare @laruetactical response to the soup nazi from Seinfeld. The product is so good that you will endure the snarky-ness. 9 likes
  -  mwahking @boomsticksndiesel I waited ~7 months for my predatOBR in 2019. Love the gun, but won't wait that long again. 3 likes
  -  danno06472 @brotein_shakes_ you must be new here 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @brotein_shakes_ ... A snarky post demands a snarky response. 13 likes
  -  codycrafted @mwahking 🤣 Laughs in BuildAR. I feel ya. #reardonoxide 1 like
  -  slapjackcard @boomsticksndiesel Three weeks? That's cute. Tomorrow will be FOURTEEN weeks I've been waiting on a handguard from another reputable gun parts manufacturer. Relax.
  -  boomsticksndiesel @laruetactical if you think I'm living under a rock, you're delusional. I'm well aware of it, thanks. I don't think it's too much to ask for someone to reply to a customer as to WTF his order status is. 2 likes
  -  boomsticksndiesel @slapjackcard sorry for your bad luck. Have you had ANY communication from that place??
  -  boomsticksndiesel @jaredrhilton please feel free to elaborate on how that went. Or DM me an address. Thanks.
  -  boomsticksndiesel @brotein_shakes_ now I'm starting to see why a lot of the instructors guys have their strong opinions on ML. 1 like
  -  slapjackcard @boomsticksndiesel luckily I have. Unfortunately its always the same response. "We don't know, its out of our hands. We're waiting on the anodizer." 1 like
  -  boomsticksndiesel @slapjackcard when shit says it's stock, it ought to be in stock. That's why I've been trying to get in touch. Really sick of (all businesses) using COVID as an excuse to provide truly shitty CS.
  -  slapjackcard @boomsticksndiesel in their defense it did say backordered when i ordered. So reached out beforehand to see how long of a backorder it was. They told me 3-4 weeks. That's the frustrating part. And this is the last part I'm waiting for to finish my AR pistol. 1 like
  -  boomsticksndiesel @laruetactical there was nothing snarky about my post. Just seems to always be time to post on social media but not to answer customers calls/emails/voicemails. Your snark was unjustified, sir. 1 like
  -  boomsticksndiesel @_lucasreed kid??? WHo the fuck are calling kid? I'm well aware of they're charge policies. I've been ordering stuff from them for years. Including when I worked in a custom shop. Thanks for your useless comment and for defending subpar communication.
  -  everydaypeoplesigp365 @boomsticksndiesel the thing is, @laruetactical is making a joke about this and you think he probably doesn't care. My understanding of following Larue is that they very much care about their quality and service but at what point do you tap out when you are giving it 100%. sOsHuLL mEaDeER doesn't give everyone the right to fuck off good people.
  -  boomsticksndiesel @_lucasreed if you took any of what I said as "slander", then you need to go back to school, snowflake. Kid. Psssh, I have boots older than you. Now kindly FO.
mmiller2.0 Any Labor Day sales?
weapon_eyezd I'll take 29k loyalist over 1 mil fake profiles any day 😂
jdelabay Wow that caption hit home. You're right. It was that awesome trigger I bought for my dad and the Dillo dust that came with it. As soon as my budget allows I'm getting an MBT for myself 👌
davisjackson__ Hey Mark when are the odds I get my MRO next week if I call Lou Ann?
herefor_thebeer @riglyfe_ you should be following them . You like their two stage trigger so much !
gavltron Do you guys hit any shooing events ?
jameswyley Hey ml I just ordered some r.a.t stocks and says it's on backorder any ETA on those thanks in advance @laruetactical 1 like
  -  laruetactical @jameswyley ... Dunno, I'm on the range test grouping. 8 likes
  -  e_footey @jameswyley my red dot was on back order 6-8 weeks and on the 6th week that bitch was ready... i was anxious but it was well worth the wait.... and that fucking meat rub is on pointttt
  -  deadeye001 @laruetactical care to have some help?!?!
  -  jameswyley @laruetactical have the rocks turned to lava yet ? May you please do a group with your 14.5 upper thanks buddy
dangerc10se @skullduggerous_pirate
curtis_carp Good people know a good think when they see it. Keep up the great work ML
militaryhelmetscorner 💪🎩
the_dumb_jock You got me because I shot one of your older rifles and now I have one of my own! 1 like
92cro Hate boys been a fan of your products for a couple years! But your current back orders are killing me right now hahaha any relief for your guys production soon?
willsmashu Caption got me. 😂🤣😂🤣
adamm23 I wanna save to get one of your rifles to hand down to my son, which one would you reccomend.
frogman_tactical Congratulations. 🍾🎊🎈🎉 1 like
jfpvh us us OBR ☕☕ 1 like
josh.macintyre Literally the only reason I have Instagram is to see your posts! Would be bad ass to see another special edition rifle. I know that's alot to ask in these times. 2 likes
abelcompanyarms That's awesome, congrats. 1 like
i_am_the_fos I prefer to think of us as like minded leaders... 👊
southerncoastalcooking Congrats! I just want more Dillo Dust 😉 1 like
  -  southerncoastalcooking @fatandtactical each to their own I guess
  -  southerncoastalcooking @thiswildadventure thanks
juanshotjuankillusmc Excellent! I'm just drove in to Texas from Colorado! Might have to swing by and say hi! 🔥👍💯us Outstanding product y'all got there!!!
frederickcarpenter Too. Much. Math.